
A daemon to automate your shell environment

Primary LanguagePythonGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


A daemon to automate your shell environment


Guppi is a daemon which listens for incoming JSON formatted events. For each event Guppi can execute a set of predefined Python scripts or shell commands. The functionality these scripts and commands are left up to the user.

Submitting events in Guppi is done to its Unix domain socket and can be automated in different ways such as:


Although it's optional, it's highly recommended to install Guppi in a virtualenv so it doesn't clutter your default OS Python. Guppi requires Python3.

The following steps are merely a guideline. You can install Guppi to the location which makes most sense for you.

Virtualenv (optional)

Install a virtualenv:

$ python3 -m venenv ~/.guppi_python_venv

Activate the virtualenv so when you invoke pip, it will install Guppi in the newly created virtualenv:

$ source ~/.guppi_python_venv/bin/activate

Check if python points to the correct interpreter:

$ which python


Installing Guppi can be done using pip:

$ python -m pip install guppi

Once installed you should have the guppi executable available:

$ guppi --help
usage: guppi [-h] [--socket SOCKET] [--config CONFIG]

A daemon to automate your shell environment.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help       show this help message and exit
  --socket SOCKET  The unix domain socket file location on which guppi accepts
  --config CONFIG  The config file in YAML format containing guppi's

Executing Guppi without activating virtualenv first

In case virtualenv is used then guppi can be executed without activating its virtualenv by executing:

$ ~/.guppi_python_venv/bin/guppi

Starting Guppi on startup using systemd (optional)

In case your OS is using systemd and you'd like guppi to start automatically then create the following unit file:


Description=A deaemon to automate your shell environment


Once the unit file is created systemd needs to be reloaded:

$ systemctl --user daemon-reload

To start/stop/restart the Guppi daemon:

$ systemctl --user start guppi

To read Guppi logs from journald:

$ journalctl --user -xf -u guppi

Guppi configuration

If --config hasn't been defined a configuration file is expected at ~/.guppi.yaml.

Submitting events to Guppi


$ echo '{\"pwd\": \"$(pwd)\"}' | nc  -U ~/.guppi.socket


The content of this variable is executed as a regular Bash command just before Bash displays a prompt. See http://tldp.org/HOWTO/Bash-Prompt-HOWTO/x264.html for more information.

You can set the value of PROMPT_COMMAND in .bashrc.

For example:

PROMPT_COMMAND='echo {\"pwd\":\"$(pwd)\", \"user\": \"$USER\", \"tmux_pane\": \"$TMUX_PANE\", \"python\": \"$(which python)\"}| nc -U ~/.guppi.socket'

Configuring Guppi

consider following example

        - enabled: true
          name: setTmuxWindowTitle
          path: ~/.guppi/set_tmux_window_title.py

        - enabled: true
          name: sleeper
          command: sleep 10

      enabled: true
      name: setPrompt
      path: ~/.guppi/set_prompt.py

There are 2 types of actions which can be executed:

  • a Python function
  • a Shell command

Python actions

The actions.python key is a list which contains a number of Python functions to execute. Each entry has 3 values:

  • enabled: Enables/disables the execution of the defined action.
  • path: The path containing the function to execute.
  • name: The name of the function to load and executed from path. The name is also used in logging.

A function should accept 2 parameters:

def doSomething(event, env):


Data returned by Python functions are ignored. Parameter event is the submitted JSON event. env is not used yet at the moment and is reserved for future use.

Shell actions

The actions.shell key is a list which contains a number of Python functions to execute. Each entry has 3 values:

  • enabled: Enables/disables the execution of the defined action.
  • command: The command to execute.
  • name: A name given to the function used in logging.

command is a template string which can be rendered using the content of event by using the Python str.format syntax.


The prompt key defines a function which output can be used to render the prompt. Only one can be defined. It functions in the same way as a action.python entry with a difference it's output is send back to the client submitting the event.

Setting prompt

You can set the prompt by assigning the response nc receives when submitting the JSON event to Guppi to the PS1 variable:

PROMPT_COMMAND='export PS1=$(echo $(echo {\"pwd\":\"$(pwd)\", \"user\": \"$USER\", \"tmux_pane\": \"$TMUX_PANE\", \"python\": \"$(which python)\"}| nc -U ~/.guppi.socket)"")'

As you notice this syntax is somewhat precarious. If you have a better approach please let me know.


For support just open a Github issue (https://github.com/smetj/guppi/issues) with tag question or by sending me a msg on my Twitter handle @smetj.