
Simple React component for simple SVG placeholder images

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Simple React component for simple SVG placeholder images based on the awesome Cloudfour Simple SVG Placeholder

NPM JavaScript Style Guide


npm install --save react-simple-svg-placeholder
yarn add react-simple-svg-placeholder



import React from "react";

import PlaceholderImage from "react-simple-svg-placeholder";

const Example = () => <PlaceholderImage width={300} height={150} />;

With an Object

import React from "react";

import PlaceholderImage from "react-simple-svg-placeholder";

const Example = () => {
  const placeholderSettings = {
    width: 300,
    height: 150,
    bgColor: "#aaa",
    textColor: "#333",

  return <PlaceholderImage {...placeholderSettings} />;

Prop Reference

width {Number}

Defaults to 300, the default width of SVG elements in most browsers.

height {Number}

Defaults to 150, the default height of SVG elements in most browsers.

returnAsString {Boolean}

Defaults to false, toggles if the component only returns the source-string or an actual <img>
Please also watch the "getImgSrc Function"-section below

text {String}

The text to display. Defaults to the image dimensions.

fontFamily {String}

The font to use for the text. For data URIs, this needs to be a system-installed font. Defaults to 'sans-serif'.

fontWeight {String}

Defaults to 'bold'.

fontSize {Number}

Defaults to 20% of the shortest image dimension, rounded down.

bgColor {String}

The background color of the image. Defaults to #ddd.

textColor {String}

The color of the text. For transparency, use an rgba or hsla color value. Defaults to rgba(0,0,0,0.5).

charset {String}

Defaults to UTF-8, but if your source HTML document's character set is different, you may want to update this to match.

getImgSrc Function

If you only want to generate an image-src you don't need to use a react-component.
You can use the getImgSrc-function of this project.
The defaults and props-usage is the same as in the react-component.

import { getImgSrc } from "react-simple-svg-placeholder";

const imgSrcWithDefaults = getImgSrc();
const imgSrcWithWidth = getImgSrc({ width: 800 });


MIT © r3sMetz