
Catch-all for slide decks that do not have their own repository.


Slide Decks

This repository contains slide decks and other written material for events that are not associated with a specific workshop, walkthrough or webinar series.

Materials for specific events (e.g. workshops/walkthroughs or presentations with source code) will be contained within a separate, dedicated repository within the SME Virtual Network Organization.


If you are modifying this project, you will need Git LFS installed on your local machine to successfully commit a change.

Git Large File Storage (or Git LFS) allows large binary assets like media source files to be managed by Git.

See this page for installation instructions. If you are on macOS, installing via Homebrew is recommended.

Install Git LFS

Git commit hooks must be installed by Git LFS on a freshly cloned repository. This only has to be done once after a fresh clone.

Run the following in the repository root:

git lfs install

After this command completes, the Git hooks will be successfully installed.

SME Logos and Branding Restrictions

The SME logos and brands which are part of the files in this repository are not licensed for use outside of SME activities. SME logo and brand usage is only allowed by the SME and authorized parties connected to the SME (e.g. like regional chapters).

If you fork this project for use in some context not related to the SME, you must not use SME logos or brands inappropriately. This means that you are free to modify the files in this repository, but you must remove all SME logos and brands. Please see the SME Branding Guidelines for when a SME logo can be used and what conditions are attached to SME logos and brands.


The contents of this repository are distributed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike license.