
Minimal Python utility for breaking a single PDF into multiple smaller PDF based on start and end page indices

Primary LanguageShell


Minimal Python utility for breaking a single PDF into multiple smaller PDF based on start and end page indices. It uses the PyPDF2 library for pdf reading and writing.

Developed for breaking NSF and NIH grant proposals written in LaTeX / Overleaf into separate documents for submission, though there are many other applications

Usage - Single Output File

Assuming you have a 39 page PDF entitled research_strategy.pdf:
python3 extractPDF.py --input research_strategy.pdf --output cover_letter.pdf --start 3 --end 3

Usage - Multiple Files

Assuming you have a 39 page PDF entitled research_strategy.pdf; the .sh file just has a bunch of calls to extractPDF.py
chmod +x extractIndividualComponents.sh