Habitat package: artifactory (open source)

Artifactory is an advanced Binary Repository Manager for use by build tools (like Maven and Gradle), dependency management tools (like Ivy and NuGet) and build servers (like Jenkins, Hudson, TeamCity and Bamboo).


Type of Package

Service package


This application runs Artifactory open source. If you are interested in the pro version there is another plan published that you can find here.

By default, Artifactory is set to use an internal derby database with a native jdbc driver. Other DB systmes can be used, such as MSSQL, Oracle, PosgreSQL, and MySQL. Please refer to Artifactory Pro documentation(https://www.jfrog.com/confluence/display/RTF/Configuring+the+Database) for more information.



Unless you have a license for Artifactory Pro HA (Enterprise License(https://jfrog.com/pricing)), it is highly recommended you run this using the standalone topology.

hab svc load core/artifactory

Update Strategies

The recommended update strategy is rolling in a HA setup. However, it can be at-once in standalone.