
ANTLR 4 C# Target

Primary LanguageC#

C# target for ANTLR 4


This document gives a basic overview of using the C# target for ANTLR 4 with C# projects in Visual Studio.

Available Targets

This target provides several C# targets, numbered according to the target framework version. When the grammars are generated by Antlr4.targets as part of the build, the code generation target will be automatically selected to match the TargetFrameworkVersion property in the project file.

Target Name Runtime Library .NET Framework Version C# compiler version
CSharp_v4_5 Antlr4.Runtime.v4.5.dll .NET 4.5 C# 3+ (Visual Studio 2008+)
CSharp_v4_0 Antlr4.Runtime.v4.0.dll .NET 4.0 C# 3+
CSharp_v3_5 Antlr4.Runtime.v3.5.dll .NET 3.5 C# 3+
CSharp_v3_0 Antlr4.Runtime.v2.0.dll (same as below) .NET 3.0 C# 3+
CSharp_v2_0 Antlr4.Runtime.v2.0.dll .NET 2.0 C# 3+

Visual Studio Support for ANTLR 4 Grammars

Currently there is no Visual Studio extension specifically designed for editing ANTLR 4 grammars. However, now that a C# target for ANTLR 4 is available an editor should be available in the "reasonably near" future. If this feature is particularly important to your team, Tunnel Vision Labs' Sponsored Development Program may be a cost effective option for reducing the release timeframe.

Base Project Layout


Adding ANTLR to the Project Structure

  1. Download the current C# release from the following location: TODO
  2. Extract the files to C:\dev\CoolTool\Reference\Antlr4

After these steps, your folder should resemble the following.


MSBuild Support for ANTLR

Since the steps include manual modification of the Visual Studio project files, I very strongly recommend you back up your project (or commit it to source control) before attempting these steps.

  1. Open the CoolTool.sln solution in Visual Studio

  2. Unload the CoolProject project by right-clicking the project in Solution Explorer and selecting Unload Project

  3. Open CoolProject.csproj for editing by right-clicking the unloaded project in Solution Explorer and selecting Edit CoolProject.csproj

  4. For reference, locate the following line

     <Import Project="$(MSBuildBinPath)\Microsoft.CSharp.targets"/>

    Note: the line appears as follows in some projects

     <Import Project="$(MSBuildToolsPath)\Microsoft.CSharp.targets"/>
  5. After the line in step 4, add the following code

       <!-- Folder containing Antlr4BuildTasks.dll -->
       <!-- Path to the ANTLR Tool itself. -->
     <Import Project="$(ProjectDir)..\Reference\Antlr4\Antlr4.targets" /> 
  6. Save and close CoolProject.csproj

  7. Reload the CoolProject project by right-clicking the project in Solution Explorer and selecting Reload Project

Adding a Reference to the C# Runtime

In the CoolProject project, add a reference to Antlr4.Runtime.dll, which is located at C:\dev\CoolTool\Reference\Antlr4\Antlr4.Runtime.dll.



Custom Token Specifications (*.tokens)


Generated Code


Extra Features in the C# Target


Example Grammars