
Pexels-Clone using Rails 7 new feature called Active storage. Also, I have been using Bootstrap 5 and Fancybox 4 to design the user interfaces and slide shows with control functionality.

Primary LanguageRuby




Clone this repository.

git clone https://github.com/smhabibjr/Pexels-Clone.git
cd Pexels-Clone


To run this application you don't need to install ruby or ruby on rails on your local machine. Because this project has been configured with a docker file. Just you have to have docker installed on your local machine.

To build a docker image. Open the terminal from your project directory.

docker build . -t my_pexels_clone

Build and Run the container.

docker run -p 3000:3000 my_pexels_clone

After running the container. Go to the browser and curl http://localhost:3000