
Implementation of ERC721 deed

Primary LanguagePython

Property Deed based on ERC721

Project repo


Necessary software and packages.

  • Ganache
  • Install python 3.7
  • Solidity 0.5.5
  • Install truffle
  • Requirements.txt python packages
  • @openzeppelin/contracts@2.5.0

Instructions for installing each of the above.

npm install truffle -g
pip install -r requirements.txt

Download my repo: https://github.com/smhillin/erc721_deed From the top level directory run the following

pip install -r requirements.txt
npm install @openzeppelin/contracts@2.5.0

How to run the code.

  • Download my repo: https://github.com/smhillin/erc721_deed

  • Open main.py make sure that the relative paths for contract and node module @zepplin directory are accurate.

    contract="contracts/CountyClerkRepo.sol" zepplin_directory="node_modules/@openzeppelin/"

  • In python.main update "chain_info" with your ganache address and port

    chain_info = ''

  • From CLI Compile code

    truffle compile

  • From top level directory on the CLI run main.py this will run a series of unit test

    python main.py

  • if all test run ok you should see

    Ran 4 tests in 7.311s



"Mastering Ethereum" by Andreas M. Antonopoulos https://github.com/nastassiasachs/ERC721ExampleDeed/blob/master/contracts/ExampleDeed.sol

Additional Instructions

Main.py file that serves as my interface.

Country Clerk class is used to create a contract and interact with it.
From that contract you can create and change deeds.

Class DeedCreateTest runs the unit test for the following

  • creating a deed
  • creating two deeds
  • creating a deed and changing the owner
  • creating a deed, changing the owner and returning account numbers for chain of title