Microservices Monolithic Docker

This project demonstrate a sample retail application using Java, JAX Rest API and Docker
This is a monolithic project, in the next part we will convert this to Microservices.

Structure of the Project

MVC architecture

The app use redis database, to store all user data in database 01 and to store all product data in database 02

Controller - com.app.core.RetailController.java

Contains all code for the backend. This class implements the business logic, such as

get stock details
get product details
get product details using both databases

POJO - com.app.core.Product.java

This class is the plain old java object and describes the attributes of individual products

POJO - com.app.core.Stock.java

This class is the plain old java object and describes the attributes of individual stocks

JAX Rest Beans - com.app.restfulws.resource.MyJax*.java

These classes implements the beans of Rest api

JAX Rest APIS - com.app.restfulws.resource.RetailAction.java

This is the main Rest API class that interacts with the APIs and calls relavant methods in the controller to get appropriate response.

Please follow below steps to run the application


References:- https://www.oreilly.com/ideas/how-to-manage-docker-containers-in-kubernetes-with-java https://github.com/danielbryantuk/oreilly-docker-java-shopping