
Creates a Mac app for a specific Chrome profile, allowing different profiles to appear as distinct apps in the dock.

Primary LanguageShell

Chrome Profile App for Mac

Creates a Mac app for a specific Chrome profile, allowing different profiles to appear as distinct apps in the dock.

Other Methods

In Windows, it's easy to create shortcuts for different Chrome profiles. On a Mac, a 'wrapper app' must be created. Besides being more complicated, there are major annoyances in how these 'wrapper apps' behave.

  • These app wrappers only work if no other instances of Chrome are running. (This appears to be an issue within Chrome -- even the -n flag for Mac's open command does not seem to work.)
  • After opening the wrapper app, the custom icon eventually reverts to the default Chrome icon, only restoring the custom icon upon close.

This Script

This srcript not only automates the process for creating a wrapper app for a Chrome profile, but incorporates fixes for the issue listed above and other improvements.

  • This script allows profile shortcuts to truly act as separate applications by having them use separate appdata directories (instead of just different profile subdirectories).
  • The reverting custom icon issue appears to also be caused by Chrome code, and a fix is forthcoming.
  • Chrome is a memory hog! This script uses some command switches and default profile settings that will make Chrome run a little leaner.
  • Allows users to define default settings and extentions for new profiles.


. chrome_profile_create_app.sh [--force] PROFILE_NAME [CHROME-ARGS]
  • [--force]
    Optional. If given profile name already exists, causes it to be wiped and re-created.
    Unique name for the profile. This will used as the suffix to the app name and the appdata directory name.
    Optional. Additional arguments to pass to Chrome.