
PHP autocomplete script, utilizing Redis.

Primary LanguagePHPMIT LicenseMIT

PHP Autocomplete using Redis

The files included in this repository allow one to create an autocomplete feature which utilizing Redis. This is a PHP extension of the following article: http://oldblog.antirez.com/post/autocomplete-with-redis.html

Create Redis Database

Create a Redis database and update the connection information in both load.php and search.php.

Load Data

To load data into Redis, create a file where each line is a string that can be searched using autocomplete. Update load.php to point to this file, and then execute it:

From a web browser or Curl: http://myhost.com/load.php

From the command line: php load.php

This will populate the Redis database with all strings contained in the file, as well as partials which is what makes the autocomplete work.

Search Strings

Call search.php with an s parameter, specifying the partial string to use for searching. For example, given the following data set:


Calling GET /search.php?s=ap will yield the following result:

{ "results": ["apply","apple","applicant"] }


MIT License