
Parser and JSON-RPC proxy for MPEx

Primary LanguagePython


It allows you to access MPEx by any JSONRPC-capable application, from local or remote machine. MPEx replies for all supported commands are extracted and parsed into easily processable form. It is based on Twisted engine and tuned to HTTP/1.1-pipeline your commands to MPEx, so it should handle any reasonable volume.

Warning: This MPExAgent version does not support any authentication! Anyone who has access to the listening port, can freely issue MPEx commands in your name. Try it only behind firewall. Patches to support HTTP authentication (should not be hard to add, twisted supports it) or other means are welcome.



  • python_gnupg
  • Twisted
  • DateUtils
  • pyparsing
  • jsonrpc

If using virtualenv, this will install them all:

easy_install python_gnupg Twisted DateUtils pyparsing jsonrpc

Was used only under Python 2.7, most likely will not work under Python 3.

##Using only the parser Use process* functions in agent.py to parse decrypted MPEx output string to structured data.

##Running the agent It is based on pyMPEx and expects/uses current user's default GPG key set up in exactly the same way. If you are successfully using pyMPEx, the agent should work out of the box.

In the bottom of agent.py, there is port setting

PORT = 8007

This sets the HTTP/JSONRPC listening port.

Run agent.py . It will ask for your GPG passphrase. While it is running, the passphrase will stay cached in memory. It keeps running in foreground, daemon mode is not supported yet. It logs everything into mpexagent.log file in current directory, using python logging standard library.

##Accessing the agent

The listening port is configured above, and default path for submitting JSONRPC calls is /jsonrpc .

Using Python : see sample.py

##Input/Output format Output data structure for all supported commands is documented in MPExAgent methods in agent.py. Supported functions are at the moment (lowercase):

  • stat
  • deposit
  • neworder
  • exercise
  • cancel

With exception of neworder, the functions accept exactly the same arguments in same order as their MPEx counterparts. neworder has first parameter 'B' or 'S' to indicate order type, following parameters are the same as MPEx BUY/SELL command but expiry parameter is not supported.

To ease JSON processing, following minor updates are done to output data:

  • all bitcoin amounts are converted to satoshi to avoid floating point conversion/rounding. (FYI: Bitcoind RPC solves this by parsing all numbers into Decimals, but this requires customized JSON parser at the receiving side, that isn't always practical.)
  • all dates are converted into strings using ISO format (using isoformat()). sampleclient.py converts them back to Python dates in deserializeStat().