
Centos image stacks for develop and deploy components

Primary LanguageDockerfileMIT LicenseMIT


Centos image stacks for develop and deploy components

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blog-Use Dockerfile to build develop image

Target: save my day Use dockerfile and compose file to build docker image and run develop environment.

extend blog: Use Docker Compose to start hdfs cluster locally

Use Docker Compose to start zookeeper cluster locally

project structure

  • deployments

    • compose: deployment on docker compose
  • Dockerfiles

    • system: centos basic image
    • dev: development env such as golang, java, python, nodejs
    • frontend: frontend service such as: vue admin, ant design
    • backend: backend service such as: zk, mysql, redis
    • emr: bigdata component, such as jupyter, hue
    • net: for network debug
  • Makefile

    • Makefile.vars.repo: software repo
    • Makefile.vars: service version
    • Makefile: image build, push and service deploy single cmd

All Image And How To Use

basic image

type component/image name build command feature
basic base # full centos base image
make build_base
centos8, yum repo(tsinghua), s6, oh-my-zsh, crontab
minimal # minimal centos base image
make build_minimal
# build centos7 version
make build_minimal_7
centos, yum repo(tsinghua), s6, crontab
develop golang make build_dev_golang golang 1.19
java # full, include java, maven, gradle
make build_dev_java
# minimal, only include java
make build_dev_java_minimal
java develop env
JDK_HOME: jdk11 for vscode java extension
maven: 3.8.4
gradle: 7.0.2
python make build_dev_python python develop env
miniforge: 4.13.0
python: 3.8
nodejs make build_dev_nodejs nodejs develop env
nodejs: v16.15.0
full make build_dev_full include all develop env above
frontend vue admin make build_vue_admin vue-admin 4.4.0
ant design make build_ant_design ant-design 5.2.0
middleware mysql make build_mysql mysql 8.0.27
postgresql make build_pgsql postgresql 14
redis make build_redis redis 7.0-rc2
mongodb make build_mongo mongo 6.0.0
prometheus make build_prometheus prometheus 2.33.4
alertmanager 0.23.0
pushgateway 1.4.3
node exporter 1.3.1
grafana make build_grafana grafana 8.4.2
zookeeper make build_zookeeper zookeeper 3.9.1
kafka make build_kafka kafka 3.2
nginx make build_nginx nginx 1.23.2
emr airflow make build_airflow airflow 2.7.3
hdfs make build_hdfs hdfs 3.3.2
hive make build_hive hive 3.1.2
knox make build_knox knox 1.6.1
hdfs_full make build_hdfs hdfs 3.3.2
knox 1.6.1
hive 3.1.2
spark 3.2
flink 1.15
hue make build_hue hue 4.3.0 fix branch: dev_bugfix
jupyter make build_jupyter jupyterlab 3.3.3
notebook 6.4.10
zeppelin make build_zeppelin zeppelin 0.10.1
presto make build_presto presto 0.275
trino make build_trino trino 403
flink make build_flink flink 1.15
spark make build_spark spark 3.4.1
superset make build_superset superset 2.0.0
azkaban make build_azkaban azkaban master branch
prefect make build_prefect prefect 2.7.7
dolphinscheduler make build_dolphinscheduler dolphinscheduler 3.1.4
datalink make build_datalink datalink dev branch
elasticsearch make build_es elasticsearch 8.4.1
kibana make build_kibana kibana 8.4.1
atlas make build_atlas atlas 2.2.0
clickhouse make build_clickhouse clickhouse 21.7.8
doris make build_doris doris 2.0.2
starrocks make build_starrocks starrocks 2.5.3
minio make build_minio minio release
net xrdp make build_xrdp centos with xrdp
easyconnect make build_ec easyconnect
clash 1.10.6
entertainment navidrome make build_navidrome navidrome

note: build image & run container defail command refer: Makefile


you can also pull these image from dockerhub, no need to build locally, just execute command in Makefile with REPO var. e.g.

# dev_full
REPO=mzsmieli make run_dev_full
# will pull mzsmieli/centos:base8_dev_full_1.0

# jupyter
REPO=mzsmieli make run_jupyter
# will pull mzsmieli/centos:base8_jupyter3.3

# nacos
REPO=mzsmieli make run_nacos_mysql
# will pull mzsmieli/centos:minimal8_mysql8 and mzsmieli/centos:base8_nacos2.1.2


type service run command feature
dev tools code server REPO=mzsmieli make run_code_server code server: http://localhost:8080
oauth server REPO=mzsmieli SERVER_HOST=server_host make run_oauth_server oauth client: http://${server_host}:19094
middleware zookeeper REPO=mzsmieli make run_zookeeper_cluster zookeeper cluster(3 node)
connect on host: zkCli.sh -server localhost:12181
kafka REPO=mzsmieli make run_kafka_cluster kafka cluster(3 node)
nacos REPO=mzsmieli make run_nacos_mysql nacos+mysql
address: http://localhost:8848
prometheus+grafana REPO=mzsmieli make run_prometheus_grafana grafana: http://localhost:3000
prometheus: http://localhost:3001
kafka+efak REPO=mzsmieli make run_kafka_efak efak: http://localhost:38042
emr hadoop REPO=mzsmieli make run_hdfs_cluster hadoop cluster
hdfs: http://localhost:8443/gateway/sandbox/hdfs
yarn: http://localhost:8443/gateway/sandbox/yarn
hive: localhost:10000
mysql: localhost:33306
hue REPO=mzsmieli make run_hue hue: http://localhost:8281
hue+hdfs+hive REPO=mzsmieli make run_hue_hive hue: http://localhost:8281
hue+hdfs+hive+presto REPO=mzsmieli make run_hue_presto hue: http://localhost:8281
azkaban REPO=mzsmieli make run_azkaban azkaban web: http://localhost:8020
datalink REPO=mzsmieli make run_datalink_singleton datalink: http://localhost:18080
clickhouse REPO=mzsmieli make run_clickhouse_cluster 3 clickhouse nodes: localhost:18123,localhost:28123,localhost:38123
starrocks REPO=mzsmieli make run_starrocks_cluster 3 starrocks nodes, master fe: localhost:19030
doris REPO=mzsmieli make run_doris_cluster 3 doris nodes,master fe: localhost:19030
es+kibana REPO=mzsmieli make run_es_kibana es: http://localhost:9200
kibana: http://localhost:5601
flink REPO=mzsmieli make run_flink flink ui: http://localhost:8081