
Played around with AES GSM no padding Encryption algorithm in .NET 4.8 and .NET 5.0. In this exercise I have encrypted and decrypted string “123456789” with base 64 encrypted key “FnAD72andADb3AtmsXRv9w==”. The encrypted string has following structure:

  • Length of Nonce (4 bytes) (0,0,0,12)

  • The IV/Nonce (12 bytes)

  • Encrypted Ciphertext (9 bytes)

  • The Tag (16 bytes) (128 bits)

In Total encryption string is byte[41] array.

For .NET 5.0 I used AesGcm class from Namespace: System.Security.Cryptography. For .NET 4.8 I used BouncyCastle NuGet package.