These files make up the code that create the trace-cmd programs. This includes the GUI interface application kernelshark as well as trace-graph and trace-view. These files also make up the code to create the libraries libtracecmd and libparsevent The applications are licensed under the GNU General Public License 2.0 (see COPYING) and the libraries are licensed under the GNU Lesser General Public License 2.1 (See COPYING.LIB). BUILDING: To make trace-cmd make To make the gui make gui INSTALL: To install trace-cmd make install To install the gui make install_gui To compile for arm on Ubuntu 1. install arm gcc sudo apt-get install gcc-arm-linux-gnueabi 2. Compile make LDFLAGS=-static CC=arm-none-linux-gnueabi-gcc trace-cmd The above statically linked binary will also work on android devices which use android abi. If you want to compile using gcc provided by android toolchain then please use the android-master branch which has some additional changes and an Note: The default install is relative to /usr/local The default install directory is /usr/local/bin The default plugin directory is /usr/local/lib/trace-cmd/plugins To change the default, you can set 'prefix', eg mkdir $HOME/test-trace make prefix=$HOME/test-trace make prefix=$HOME/test-trace install