Theme Yelee relies on Hexo-Theme-Yilia, thanks for the author Litten. Fix some bugs, change lots of styles, add several features. And then I made the theme. Yelee is mainly designed for fluent text reading. I change styles and add functions, meanwhile, try hard to keep this theme simple, stupid and clear. Theme DEMO: MOxFIVE's Blog
本主题 Yelee 基于主题 Hexo-Theme-Yilia 修改而来,在此感谢原作者 Litten。修复了一些 bugs,改变了大量的样式,添加了不少特性。对原主题百般折腾后,发觉变动越来越大,索性就发布个新主题了,主题随我微博名叫 "Yelee" 。个人喜欢简洁的样式,重视内容的浏览,同时希望博客作为个人网站,能稍微凸显出博主个性。各种修改折腾大抵基于以上考虑。主题实际效果,请访问本人博客查看:MOxFIVE's Blog
git clone themes/yelee
Change theme field in Hexo root's _config.yml file. 修改 Hexo 根目录对应配置文件。
theme: yelee
cd themes/yelee
git pull
- | Chs | En |
1 | 嵌入边栏的文章目录 | Flexible table of contents |
2 | 透明化背景,随机背景大图 | Transparent & Random background |
3 | 页内跳转按钮 | Scrolling button |
4 | 文章版权等信息显示 | Copyright info. |
5 | 文章导航切换按钮 | Post navigation button |
6 | 网站计数 | Site counter |
There are two ways to show excerpt in homepage.
- a:
title: Hello World
date: 2015-12-03 00:00:00
<Excerpt in index | 首页摘要>
+ <!-- more -->
<The rest of contents | 余下全文>
- b: description in Front-matter
title: Hello World
date: 2015-12-03 00:00:00
+ description: "Welcome to Hexo! This is your very first post."
Description only support plain text. | 通过 description 添加的摘要只能为纯文本。
Set the value of description with quotes to avoid unexpected error
. | description 的内容加双引号,可以避免一些程序错误,例如内容里包含英文冒号时。
cd to your hexo folder and run this code:
hexo new page about
hexo new page tags
Post with several categories 文章设置多个分类后的问题 issue#4
Find or change background images in folder | 修改背景图地址:
Setting in themes/yelee/_config.yml
background_image: 5
Default value is 5, free to modify the number | 默认值为5,可按需修改
"5": show 5 images form bg-1.jpg to bg-5.jpg in
"5": 设置
文件夹中 bg-1.jpg 到 bg-5.jpg 这5张图片为背景 -
"0": remove background image and use white-gray theme | 取消网页背景图,使用淳朴的灰白主题
In order to style posts/pages' image with HTML/CSS within .md
files, you should disable fancybox function firstly.
如果要使用 HTML/CSS 自定义文章图片样式,需要先关闭 fancybox 功能。
Disable fancybox in full site | 在全站关闭 fancybox:
fancybox: false
Disable fancybox in certain post/page | 在某篇文章中关闭 fancybox:
fancybox: false
in front-matter
Disqus, duoshuo and youyan is supported, enable them in theme's "_config.yml". 主题目测支持 Disqus,多说 和友言评论,自行在主题配置中开启。
多说: 登陆你的多说并创建站点,在 "domain" 中填入你设定的域名。请设置好自己专属的多说,不要再群聊了。
Remove toc and the button via putting toc: false
before "---" at [post].md.
文章中默认显示目录和对应切换按钮,在文章 “---” 前输入 toc: false
Hide this via putting original: false
to post's front-matter.
在文章顶部插入行 original: false
hexo new page 404
And then set permalink: /404
in /source/404/
front matter.
Install plugin: hexo-generator-feed
Install plugin: hexo-generator-seo-friendly-sitemap
百度专用: hexo-generator-baidu-sitemap
替换路径: /yelee/source/apple-touch-icon.png