
An expression tree system for node.js

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


expr-tree is an expression tree system for node.js. This library provides methods to parse reverse polish notation (RPN) and useful functions to work with expression trees. This module is available on npm as expr-tree.


If you're using node.js and npm, type into a terminal :

$ npm install expr-tree --save

If you're using the browser, add to the beginning of your file:

<script src="expr-tree.min.js"></script>


var expr = require('expr-tree')

expr.compute('5 7 * 7 +') // == 42
expr.toFunction('x y +')(10, 10) // == 20

custom operators

To add custom operators to expr-tree, just add an 'operator object' to expr.operators :

var expr = require('expr-tree')

// adding the operator
expr.operators['myCustomOperator'] = {
  // the function called to compute the value of this operator.
  // the nth argument is written as '{n}'
  js: 'myCustomOperator({0}, {1}, ..., {n})',
  //  the number of arguments taken by the operator
  n: number_arguments


The tree structure allow for the use of t-js. An expression tree node has the following structure :

var tree = {
  label: '...',                // string (contains the token used in RPN)
  type: 'func|var|number',     // string (depends on the type of the node/leaf)
  parent: parent,              // tree (can be undefined if tree is root)
  children: [child1, ...]      // array of trees

All the methods dealing with expressions contained in this library can take interchangeably a tree or the reverse polish notation (RPN) of an expression tree. They always output a tree : if you want a method to output RPN, wrap your calls inside expr.toRPN(tree).

The following methods are available:


var tree = expr.fromRPN(rpn)

Returns the expression tree described by the given reverse polish notation (RPN).

The complexity is O(n), with n the number of tokens in the RPN.


var rpn = expr.toRPN(tree)

Returns the RPN describing the given expression tree

The complexity is O(n), with n the number of nodes/leaves in the tree.


var func = expr.toFunction(expression, args)

Returns the function represented by the given expression. args must be an array of expression variables names. If args is null or unspecified, the function will only take the minimal number of arguments it needs to compute the expression, sorted by lexicographical order. If args is not null, the function will take the minimal number of arguments it needs to compute the expression, plus the ones specified in args

The complexity is O(n), with n the number of nodes/leaves in the tree, or the number of tokens in the RPN.



Returns true if the expression is a valid RPN or a valid tree.

The complexity is O(n), with n the number of nodes/leaves in the tree, or the number of tokens in the RPN.


var tree = expr.simplify(expression, vars)

Simplify an expression by replacing some of the variables inside by their value. The value of the variable varname in the expression is given by vars[varname].

The complexity is O(n), with n the number of nodes/leaves in the tree, or the number of tokens in the RPN


var tree = expr.reduce(expression)

Simplify an expression by computing all the constants. For instance, '7 6 * x +' will be reduced to '42 x +'.

This function will always return a tree. To compute the result of an expression given all its variables, see expr.compute(expression, vars)

The complexity is O(n), with n the number of nodes/leaves in the tree, or the number of tokens in the RPN


var tree = expr.compute(expression, vars)

Simplify an expression by computing all the constants. For instance, '7 5 * 7 +' will be reduced to '42'.

Warning : This function will always return a tree. To compute the result of an expression given all its variables, see expr.compute(expression, vars)

The complexity is O(n), with n the number of nodes/leaves in the tree, or the number of tokens in the RPN


var tree = expr.copy(expression)

Returns a deep copy of the expression.

The complexity is O(n), with n the number of nodes/leaves in the tree, or the number of tokens in the RPN


var tree = expr.mutate(expression, pick)

Mutate an expression by randomly changing one node/leaf label. This function is mainly used in genetic algorithms. You must provide as an argument a pick function, according to the following :

  • pick must take a String as its first argument
  • pick must return a number of your choosing if its first argument equals 'number'
  • pick must return a variable name of your choosing if its first argument equals 'var'

The complexity is O(n), with n the number of nodes/leaves in the tree, or the number of tokens in the RPN


var tree = expr.reproduce(sup, sub) // sup and sub can be trees or RPN

Returns a duplicate of sup, with one of its subtrees randomly swapped with a subtree from sub. This function is mainly used in genetic algorithms.

The complexity is O(n+m), with n (respectively m) the number of nodes/leaves in sup (resp. sub)


var tree = expr.crossover(expression)

Returns a duplicate of the expression, with two of its subtrees swapped

The complexity is O(n), with n the number of nodes/leaves in the tree, or the number of tokens in the RPN

release History

  • 0.1.0 Initial release
    • 0.1.1 Minor changes (removed eval)
    • 0.1.2 Added browser support
