
Angular2 WordPress API Service

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Angular2 WordPress API Service npm Build Status npm

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This library is designed to make it easy for your Angular2 application to request specific resources from a WordPress install. it returns the API server's response to your application as an Observable<any> object.


Wordpress installation and WP API v2 plugin activated.


Install it with npm

npm install ng2-wp-api --save

Table of Contents

# Abstract

You can either use the components or services to get the data from WordPress api.

  • Collection Inputs: args, endpoint - Output: collection response.
  • Model Inputs: id, args, endpoint - Output: model response.


  • WpCollection Service to get a collection of objects (posts).
  • WpModel Service to get/add/update/delete a single object (post) by id.
  • WpState Class to configure the library (e.g. wordpress base url).

Helper Classes:

  • Post Class for Post/Page contains helper functions (e.g. functions for accessing embedded properties).
  • User Interface for User response.
  • QueryArgs Class for creating query arguments
  • WpHelper Get endpoint address.

Default Endpoints are : Posts, Pages, Users, Categories, Tags, Taxonomies, Statuses, Comments, Media

     ├── currentPage: number
     ├── totalPages: number
     ├── totalObjects: number
     ├── get(args: any): Observable<any>
     ├── more(): Observable<any>
     ├── hasMore(): boolean

     ├── get(id: number, args?: any): Observable<any>
     ├── add(body): Observable<any>
     ├── update(id: number, body): Observable<any>
     ├── delete(id: number): Observable<any>

     ├── getBaseUrl(): string
     ├── setBaseUrl(url: string): void
     ├── getAuthKeys(): string
     ├── setAuthKeys(username: string, password: string): void

     ├── Endpoint: enum

# Usage

After installing the library, set your WordPress base address

## Initialization

To initialize the library's configuration

1 - import WpState class in your root component, then set the baseUrl to your WordPress host address

2 - Inject WORDPRESS_PROVIDERS in the root component provider or directly in bootstrap.

in App component (root):

    selector: 'app',
export class App {
    constructor(wpState: WpState){

[Initilizing the library - full example](/examples/Initilizing WP Service.ts)

WpState is a global service where other services can acquire information.

Now the library is initialized, the services WpModel and WpCollection are ready to use in any component.

## Getting a collection of posts ### **METHOD 1:** Using `Collection` component
<collection [args]="args" [endpoint]="endpoint" (response)="postsData($event)">
    <!-- your custom view -->
    <div class="post" *ngFor="let post of response.objects">
        <p [innerHtml]="post.content"></p>
<div class="pagination">    
    <p>Page: {{response.currentPage}} / {{response.totalPages}} </p><span> - Total Posts: {{response.totalObjects}}</span>

Optional Create item component for each post item

  selector: 'item',
  template: `
    <div class="post-title"> {{post.title()}} </div>
        <div class="post-image">
            <img [src]="post.featuredImageUrl('small')"/>
    <div class="post-excerpt" [innerHtml]="post.excerpt()">
  directives: [Collection]

export class Item {

  post: Post;
  set data(data: any) {
    this.post = new Post(data);

in parent component

<collection [args]="args" [endpoint]="endpoint" (response)="postsData($event)">
    <item *ngFor="let post of response.objects" [data]="post"></item>

[Getting collection using the component - full example](/examples/Collection using the component.ts)

### **METHOD 2:** Using `Collection` Service
import {WpCollection, QueryArgs} from 'ng2-wp-api';

    providers: [WpCollection],
    selector: 'test-collection',
    template: `
        <div class="collection">
            <item *ngFor="let post of posts" [data]="post"></item>
        <div class="pagination">    
            <p>Page: {{wpCollection.service.currentPage}} / {{wpCollection.service.totalPages}} </p><span> - Total Posts: {{wpCollection.service.totalObjects}}</span>
            <button *ngIf="wpCollection.service.hasMore()" (click)="morePosts()"> Load more</button>

export class TestCollection {

    args: QueryArgs;

    constructor(private wpCollection: WpCollection) {


        /** page id */
        this.id = 123;
        /** page args */
        this.args = new QueryArgs({
            _embed: true

    fetchPosts() {
            (res) => {
                this.posts = res;
            err => {
                /** handle errors */

    morePosts() {
            res => {
                this.posts = this.posts.concat(res);
            err => {
                /** handle errors */

Note that contrary to what we did with WpState, Any component uses one of these services must has its own instance of the service, so we must inject the service within each component.

[Getting collection using the service - full example](/examples/Collection using the service.ts)

## Getting a single post by ID ### **METHOD 1:** Using `Model` component
<model [endpoint]="endpoint" [id]="id" (response)="pageData($event)">
    <div class="post>
        <div class="post-title"> {{response.title()}} </div>
        <div class="post-image">
            <img [src]="response.featuredImageUrl('large')"/>
        <div class="post-content" [innerHtml]="response.content()">
        <ul class="post-categories">
            <li *ngFor="let cat of response.categories()"> {{cat.name}} </li>

It's recommended to create view component to display the post

import {Post} from 'ng2-wp-api';

  selector: 'single',
  template: `
    <div class="post">
      <div class="post-title"> {{response.title()}} </div>
      <div class="post-image">
        <img [src]="response.featuredImageUrl('large')"/>
      <div class="post-content" [innerHtml]="response.content()">
      <ul class="post-categories">
        <li *ngFor="let cat of response.categories()"> {{cat.name}} </li>
export class Single {

  post: Post;
  set data(data: any) {
    this.post = new Post(data);

in parent component

<model [endpoint]="endpoint" [id]="id" (response)="pageData($event)">
    <single [data]="response"></single>

[Getting model using the component - full example](/examples/Model using the component.ts)

### **METHOD 2:** Using `WpModel` service
import {WpModel, Post, QueryArgs} from "ng2-wp-api";

    providers: [WpModel],
    selector: 'test-model',
    template: `
        <div class="post">
            <div class="post-title"> {{post.title()}} </div>
            <div class="post-image">
                <img [src]="post.featuredImageUrl('large')"/>
            <div class="post-content" [innerHtml]="post.content()">
            <ul class="post-categories">
                <li *ngFor="let cat of post.categories()"> {{cat.name}} </li>

export class TestModel {

    id: string;
    args: QueryArgs;
    post: Post;

    constructor(private wpModel:WpModel) {


    ngOnInit() {
        /** page id */
        this.id = 123;
        /** page args */
        this.args = new QueryArgs({
        _embed: true

    fetchPost() {
         * for custom endpoint:  
         * use `wpModel.Endpoint('/wp-json/wp/v2/books/').get(this.args)...` 
        this.wpModel.Posts().get(this.id, this.args).subscribe(
            (res) => {
                this.post = new Post(res);
            /** Handle request error */
            err => console.log(err)

[Getting model using the service - full example](/examples/Model using the service.ts)

PS: when embed is set to true, you will get featured image, categories, tags and author with the response.

# Authentication

In order to use Add/Update/Delete functions, user must be authenticated. use WpState.setAuthKeys($username, $password) to store user credentials.

    selector: 'app',
export class App {
    constructor(wpState: WpState){
        wpState.setAuthKeys("yourUsername", "yourPassword");

[Initilizing the library - full example](/examples/Initilizing WP Service.ts)

  • Version 2 coming soon (New architecure).

  • Authentication:

    • Cookie Authentication (if you app works internally as a wordpress theme).
    • Basic Authentication (no requirement).
    • JWT Authentication (requires JWT plugin).
    • OAuth Authentication (requires OAuth Plugin).
  • New syntax for querying data =>

    • single post wpService.Posts().id('127').embed().subscribe(...)
    • collection of posts wpService.Endpoint('pathToYourEndpoint').perPage(4).page(3).subscribe(...)
    • collection of posts wpService.Endpoint('pathToYourEndpoint').search('post title').subscribe(...)
  • use the old syntax by passing queryArgs? as an optional parameter

    • collection of posts wpService.Posts(queryArgs?).subscribe(...)
    • single post wpService.Posts($args, $id).subscribe(...)
  • Subscribe to logs wpService.logs.subscribe(...) to listen for requests status.

  • Subscribe to loading wpService.loading.subscribe(...) to listen for the service state.

  • Set default timeOut for requests wpService.timeOut($seconds);

# Issues

The library is still in beta, if you identify any errors in this service, or have an idea for an improvement, please open an issue. I am excited to see what the community thinks of this project, and I would love your input!


Murhaf Sousli

# License
