
Sample project using rick morty (https://rickandmortyapi.com/) implementing a version of clean architecture with an mvvm workflow. This project also outlines the use of Coroutines and my personal library Ketro (https://smilecs.github.io/ketro/)

Primary LanguageKotlin


Alt text

This project uses Android studio 3.5 and targets api 28

To run please sync with gradle to grab dependencies

Rick Morty API was used in this implementation

Project Structure

This follows a modular design, separating the presentation, domain, data layer it applies the use of interfaces as a binding contract to provide the minimum required feature target of a class.


  • Ketro https://smilecs.github.io/ketro/ (Personal library available on my github and Jcenter) : For request wrapping and error handling
  • Coroutines : For background processing
  • Dagger : Dependency injection
  • Coil: For Image loading (Uses Coroutines internally)

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