
RenJS and GatewayJS - Official JavaScript libraries for interacting with RenVM

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT

🛠️ ren-js and gateway-js


There's two official Javascript SDKs for interacting with RenVM:

  1. GatewayJS (gateway-js repository): The simplest way to get started, providing a full user experience.
  2. RenJS (ren-js repository): A lower-level SDK which can be integrated into your existing user interface.


See the Getting Started Tutorial to start using GatewayJS and RenJS.


See the Releases page.

Local development

Click to see local development instructions

Build RenJS and GatewayJS:

git clone git@github.com:renproject/ren-js.git && cd ren-js
yarn && yarn run link
yarn build

Start gateway.renproject.io

cd packages/ui/gateway.renproject.io
PORT=3344 REACT_APP_NETWORK="testnet" yarn start

Start demo page

cd packages/ui/gateway-example
PORT=3000 yarn start

Go to http://localhost:3000/?network=testnet&endpoint=http://localhost:3344.