
Time Duration: 25hrs

Basic fundamentals of Html

  • Introduction to Tags ( Designing First Web Page)
  • Elements And Atrributes

Basic Fundamentals of CSS

  • Implementing CSS
  • Classes And Id's

Html Elements and CSS Styling

  • Text Formatting
  • Fonts in html
  • Links and Images
  • Lists in html
  • Tables in html
  • Multimedia in html
  • Blocks in html
  • Positioning in Html


Javascript Language Fundamentals

Hands on Coding ( Bonus )
  • Using The Console
  • Variables - var, let & const
  • Data Types in JavaScript
  • Type Conversion
  • Numbers & The Math Object
  • String Methods & Concatenation
  • Template Literals
  • Arrays & Array Methods
  • Object Literals
  • Dates & Times
  • If Statements & Comparison Operators
  • Switches
  • Function Declarations & Expressions
  • General Loops
Core Concepts ( Bonus )
  • How JavaScript Works & Execution Context
  • Hoisting in JavaScript (variables & functions)
  • How JavaScript Code is executed? & Execution Context
  • Undefined vs not defined
  • The Scope Chain, Scope & Lexical Environment
  • BLOCK SCOPE & Shadowing

DOM Manipulation & Events

  • What Is The DOM?
  • Examining The Document Object
  • DOM Selectors For Single Elements
  • DOM Selectors For Multiple Elements
  • Traversing The DOM
  • Creating Elements
  • Removing & Replacing Elements
  • Event Listeners & The Event Object

Projects ( Covers Concepts of HTML CSS and JavaScript)

Complete Projects

  • Github Profiles
  • Drawing App
  • Password Generator
  • Quiz App

Small 15 min Projects

  • Toast Notification
  • Auto Text Effect
  • Sound Board
  • Hoverboard
  • Random Image Feed