Readme Badges

Some Most Frequently Badges for the Readme files:

GitHub badge






Open Source Love


Made With Love

Twitter Badge

Linkedin Badge

Amazing Readme ( special ) Files

Choice 1

My name is Smile Gupta and I'm an Aspiring full stack developer! πŸ‘‹

  • πŸ”­ I work in a startup based out of BLR i.e. KonfHub Technologies LLP
  • 🌱 I’m currently learning Serverless and AWS
  • πŸ‘― I’m looking to collaborate on Reactjs
  • πŸ’¬ Ask me about Anything
  • πŸ“« How to reach me: LinkedIn
  • πŸ˜„ Pronouns: She/Her

Choice 2

πŸ‘‹ Hello World! I am Smile Gupta

Open Source Love

The green dots on my GitHub profile represent my journey πŸƒβ€β™€οΈ - From being curious to becoming Full Stack Engineer at KonfHub Technologies LLP Bengaluru. This is where you can view my portfolio. Besides GitHub, You can find me on Twitter. I'm always ready to collaborate for any Pro Bono Publico activity or delivering some hands on sessions. My favourite linear: β€œIf You Are A Techie, Your Home Page Should Be GitHub, Not Instagram”

🎯 Find me Interesting? Say Hi to me on LinkedIn ❀️

Any Project you want me a part of ?

Choice 3

πŸ‘‹ Thanks for dropping by!

I'm a full stack developer focusing mostly on browser and frontend tech. Most recently, I have been doing a mix of hands-on-keyboard React/NαΊ½xtjs development!

Stuff I work on

I like working on lots of projects in my spare time! There's a good chance on of them brought you to my profile here. If you're interested in following some of my work, consider:

  • πŸ“ Checking out my blog
  • πŸ‘€ Pinging me on LinkedIn
  • βž• Following me on here! Hooray vanity metrics!

Let's connect

I always enjoy connecting with folks! Please feel free to react out to me on Twitter @smileguptaaa.

Readme for a Project

Water Consumption Tracker: Lets track water consumption

Open Source Love Awesome Made With Love

Wonder How we can make an application to track the consumption of water πŸ’¦ using HTML CSS JS and by customising font-awesome icons directle in css? If No, this will be the perfect repo for you.

Here is the link of Live Demo

Technology Stack Used

HTML CSS JavaScript

  • Front End - HTML, CSS , JavaScript

Still need help?

  if (needHelp === true) {
     var emailId = "";
     // email is the best way to reach out to me.

Glad to see you here! Show some love by starring this repo.

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Readme for a Some Information about Series

Say Hello to Reactjs

Open Source Love Awesome Made With Love

Say Hello to Reactjs is an initiative that aims to help people upskill in React and Kickstart Their Journey as Frontend Devs I here follow an mechanism of learn by practising and making lots of projects and codepens and taking one on one doubts.


  • Basic Understanding of HTML and CSS πŸ’»
  • Some knowledge oj any programming language preferably JavaScript 🐀
  • A zeal to Learn Reactjs :bowtie:

Reading Material

  • Day1

    • Topics Covered: What/Why/How React , Concept of JSX and Event Handling
    • Powerpoint presentation πŸ’Ύ
    • Video Stream of the session πŸŽ₯
    • Running Notes πŸ’»
  • Day2

    • Topics Covered: Creating Basic React App and State and Props and Components
    • Powerpoint presentation πŸ’Ύ
    • Video Stream of the session πŸŽ₯
    • Running Notes πŸ’»
  • Day3

    • Topic Covered: Creeating a React Toggle Switch (using useEffect and useState) and Styled Component and Deployment using vercel
    • Video Stream of the session πŸŽ₯
    • Source Code πŸ’»
  • Day4

    • Topic Covered: useState, useEffect, Axios
    • Video Stream of the session πŸŽ₯
    • Source Code πŸ’»
  • Day5

    • Topic Covered: Application of useState, useEffect, Axios and Basic Routing
    • Video Stream of the session πŸŽ₯
    • Source Code πŸ’»
  • Day6

    • Topic Covered: React in Daily Life
    • Video Stream of the session πŸŽ₯
    • Source Code πŸ’»
  • Day7

    • Topic Covered: Password Strength Validator
    • Video Stream of the session πŸŽ₯
    • Source Code πŸ’»

Want me to check your learning and clear your doubts or review code?

Follow the steps below to get started right away!

  • Fork this repo: You'll see a Fork button on the top right against the name of this repository. This creates an identical copy of this repository and adds it to your repositories.

  • Open the forked repository: Navigate to your profile find the repository<your_github_username>/Say-Hello-to-React-js

  • Clone the repository: Clone the repository by copying the clone link (find it against the name of the repository on the right) and using it as mentioned in below CLI command

    git clone<your-username>/Say-Hello-to-React-js

  • Move to the directory: Move to the directory by using the below CLI command

    cd Say-Hello-to-React-js

  • Update the changes to repo: Add your Day wise learning. The Learning Notes must be in a specified format. Your code should be inside the Respective Day wise folder. The file should have a specific naming convention. The learning notes file name should be <your name>.md.

    • Root Folder
    • <Folder Name> (For example: Day1)
    • <Your File Name> (For Example:
  • To stage the file(s) , use the following CLI command

    git add .

  • Commit the file(s): For locally cloned repository, use the following CLI command to commit your file(s).

    git commit -m "<your-message>"

For GitHub web, simply add the commit message and description at the bottom of the page to add the new file.(Please use an appropriate commit message and follow this git commit message guidelines)

  • Push the file(s): For locally cloned repository, use the following CLI command to push your file(s).

    git push -u origin main.

  • Create pull request: Please create a Pull Request(PR) from GitHub to the main branch. If you are new to creating pull requests, watch the video for reference. Your First GitHub Pull Request (in 10 Mins)

For GitHub web, simply move over to the original repository and click on New Pull Request and compare forked repositories. Provide appropriate description and VOILA!

If there are any changes suggested by the reviewer, do make the same and follow to steps to update:

  • stage the changes, using command: git add ..
  • commit the changes, using command: git commit -m "Commit Message".
  • rebase the branch, using command: git rebase master.
  • squash the commits, using command: git stash.
  • push the changes, using command: git push -u origin main.

The PR with correct and optimised solution, which satisfies the deadline criteria, will be merged soonπŸ˜„

Still need help?

  if (needHelp === true) {
     var emailId = "";
     // email is the best way to reach out to me.

Glad to see you here! Show some love by starring this repo.

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Content Courtesy Smile Gupta

Displaying the Streak info

Displaying the GitHub Report Card

Smile github stats

Displaying the most used Languages used on GitHub

Smile github stats

Smile github stats

Smile github stats

Smile github stats

Pining your repo in the readme file

Themes for the cards ( Displaying the streak info, Report card, Most Languages Used, Pining Readme to the readme file) : material-palenight. dark, radical, merko, gruvbox, tokyonight, onedark, cobalt, synthwave, highcontrast, dracula