Say Hello to Web Development

Time: 8 weeks

Week 1

  • What happens when we click
  • How does internet works
  • Basics of HTML
  • Excercise using HTML Tags (Making a portfolio website)

Week 2

  • What is Git
  • What is Github
  • Making my 1st PR
  • What are github pages
  • Ways to deploy our code

Week 3

  • Getting Started with CSS
  • Making Shapes using CSS
  • Excercise

Week 4

  • Making a portfolio website using HTML and CSS

Week 5

  • Getting Started with JS
  • Making your first CLI app
  • Practicisng Pattern Questions in JS

Week 6

  • Introduction to DOM Manuplation
  • Making API Calls
  • Introduction to local storage, session storage and cookies

Week 7

  • Adding Dark Mode Feature in portfolio

Week 8

  • Making HTML CSS JS Projects