Map User Identification With Eye Movement

The two zipped csv files contain the LOC (self-localization) and ORI (spatial orientation) experiment gaze data, respectively. The data were exported by Tobii Studio.
The csv file consists of the following fields:
'ParticipantID': anonymized participant id
'TaskID': LOC01 - LOC20, ORI01 - ORI20, 20 tasks (trials) in each experiment
'TaskType': 'SelfLocation' or 'Orientation'
'RecordingTimestamp': timestamp of the gaze sample recorded by Tobii (milliseconds)
'FixationIndex': fixation index
'SaccadeIndex': saccade index
'GazeEventType': 'Fixation', 'Saccade' or 'Unclassified', classified by Tobii
'GazeEventDuration': duration of the gaze event (milliseconds)
'FixationPointX (MCSpx)': screen X corrdinate of the fixation (screen pixel)
'FixationPointY (MCSpx)', screen Y corrdinate of the fixation (screen pixel)
'SaccadicAmplitude': the amplitude of the saccade
'GazePointIndex': gaze point index
'GazePointX (MCSpx)': screen X corrdinate of the gaze point (screen pixel)
'GazePointY (MCSpx)': screen Y corrdinate of the gaze point (screen pixel)
'PupilLeft': left pupil size (millimeter)
'PupilRight': right pupil size (millimeter)