1. Introduction

Ns-allinone is a package which contains required components and some of
optional components used in running ns. The package contains an
"install" script to automatically configure, compile and install these
components. If you haven't installed ns before and want to quickly try
ns out, ns-allinone may be easier than getting all the pieces by hand.
Currently the package contains:
- Tcl       Tcl release 8.3.2     (required component)
- Tk        Tk release 8.3.2      (required component)
- Otcl      otcl release 1.0a7    (required component)
- TclCL     tclcl release 1.0b11  (required component)
- Ns        ns release 2.1b8      (required component)
- TclDebug  tcl-debug relase 1.9  (optional component)
- Nam       Nam release 1.0a10     (optional component)
- Xgraph    xgraph version 12     (optional component)
- GT-ITM    Georgia Tech Internetwork
            Topology Modeler      (optional component)
- SGB       Stanford GraphBase
            package               (optional component)
- CWEB      CWeb version 1.0 (?)  (optional component)
- ZLib      zlib version 1.1.3    (optional component) 

2. FEATURES IN ns-allinone2.1b8

Features in this version include:
- Self-containing: All installation will be kept in a directory to help
		   the user manange and use the package. The execution of ns
		   ns or nam does not need any ther support outside
		   this directory

- Bugs fixed:      All components inside the package, with the
                   exceptoin of Tcl/Tk, are the most recent versions;

- Easy to use :    Only one-line command is needed to build all ns

3. Installing the package

All you need to do is type "./install" under this directory. The install
script will compile and install the whole package for you. The script also
will tell you the final installation result.


- You may want to apply gt-itm/geog.patch. See 'man patch' on how to use 
  the patch program.

4. More information

Ns-allinone is available from
