Inspired by Google Arts and Culture, this web application is a platform with artworks inventory for both art providers and audiences to search, collect, curate, and display.
The aim is to facilitate the exposure of artworks that mostly sit in a warehouse or studio, to increase the interaction between arts and the audience, and create the profile of a piece of work.
Administrators can curate online-exhibitions, manage and organize artworks and creators introductions.
Users can create private or public collections, and add works into collections or favorite list, whenever visiting an exhibition or simply searching for the perfect works that match their taste.
- User
- Account: | |
- PW: 12345678
- Admin
- Account:
- PW: root
- Test credit card number: 4000-2211-1111-1111
- The main content provided by administrator involves three main tables, Exhibition, Artwork, and Artist.
- Both Exhibition & Artwork, Artwork & Artist have many-to-many relationships, as works are allowed to display in different exhibition and artworks can be created by multiple artists.
- Table Exhibition, Artwork, and Artist all have multiple images belonging to them.
- Artwork table has additional relation with Subject and Media, belongs to many subjects and belongs to one media.
- Collection is another table created by and belongs to an user, with various works that can be added to different collections.
- Guest users can browse public exhibitions, artworks, and public collections.
- Search for artwork with multiple filters: name, artist, media, size, create year, shape, and subjects.
- Artwork introduction connects with related subjects, media, and creator.
- Artist personal page with biography, all works, media, subjects, and exhibitions.
- Works, exhibitions, artists, subjects, media are all interconnected.
- Browse other users' public collections.
- All above features
- Favorite List:
- Add works to their favorite list (private).
- Collections:
- Create their own collections, manage privacy, edit description, and delete it.
- Add or remove artworks to their own collections wherever in this website.
- Reservations & payment:
- Make a reservation with a collection list, and pay the fee to complete booking.
- Edit profile
- Create, edit, and delete artwork information and images.
- Create, edit, and delete exhibitions information and image.
- Search and select artworks from inventory, and add to exhibitions.
- Sign up and login with JWT
- Get exhibitions
- Get and search for artwork
- Edit one's own profile
- Add reservation function.
- Add exhibition records to individual artwork page.
- Create, edit, and delete artist data and related images.
- Create, edit, and delete subject data.
- Read the summary table with viewCounts and total of joinedCollection and addedFavorite of each work.
- Create QRcode of artwork page, and export all QRcode of works joined in certain exhibition.
- Run locally
Clone this repository with terminal:
$ git clone
Install packages:
$ cd Art-Gallery
$ npm install
Create database and insert seeder
$ npm run rebuildDB
file to set up environment variables$ touch .env
To upload image with admin account, login and create applications at to get ClientID for
file. Reservation functions require NewebPay MerchantID, hash & IV. Execute ngrok.exe and get URL. -
Run it
$ npm run dev
View the website at: http://localhost:3000
Register an account or use seed accounts to login
- User
- Account:,,
- PW: 12345678
- Admin
- Account:
- PW: root
- User
- Node.js
- Sequelize, Sequelize-cli
- Express.js
- Express-handlebars
- Express-session
- bcryptjs
- connect-flash
- cors
- dotenv
- faker
- method-override
- multer
- imgur
- passport
- passport-local
- passport-jwt
- xlsx
- chai
- mocha
- nyc
- sinon
- supertest