
A simple REST API for interacting with Headless Chrome.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


A simple REST API for interacting with Headless Chrome.

This package is a work in progress and not ready for use in production. Use at own risk.


npm install -g chrommander




--help         Show available arguments
--port, -p     The port to run the server on  [default: 8090]
--chrome-port  The port to run Chrome on      [default: 9222]

REST API Endpoints

[GET] /dom

Loads a page and returns the document's innerHTML.

Request Params

Name Description
url (Required) URL to load and return the document's HTML
block Comma separated list of url's or url patterns (supports wildcards, eg *.js) that will be used to block network requests. You can also use the following groups; scripts, styles, media, fonts. Or to block all non-document assets you can use assets.

Example Request

[GET] http://localhost:8090/dom?url=http://google.com&block=media,styles,*analytics*

(Make sure you encode the query string params if they require it)

Success Response

    "success": true,
    "startTime": 123456788,
    "endTime": 123456789,
    "totalTime": 1,
    "totalRequests": 12,
    "requests": [
    "result": "<html>...</html>"

Error Response

    "success": false,
    "error": "Error description..."