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AlerTiger: A Deep-learning Time Series Anomaly Detection Framework

AlerTiger is a deep-learning-based time series anomaly detection algorithm designed for monitoring AI models' healthiness.

As a generic time series anomaly detection framework for MLOps, AlerTiger be pre-trained offline with a set of univariate time series with anomaly labeled, and then be generically deployed online for detecting anomalies without much fine-tuning.

In this release, we support time series data of daily granularity, but we plan to extend to other granularity (e.g. hourly). More details can be found in the LinkedIn Engineering blog posts (coming soon).


  • Generalizability: The AlerTiger model has built-in normalization layer and seasonality-adaption layer that allow the model to be suitable for time series of various scales and can handle both noisy and seasonal time series well without any fine-tuning. In the production MLOps model alerting setting, our solution demonstrates broad generalizability. We successfully trained one model capable of accurately detecting anomalies for virtually all different AI features with different historical patterns. We have productionized the solution for most of LinkedIn’s AI models with high performance.
  • No Assumption on Gaussian Distribution: By adding quantile loss to the commonly used RMSE, our neural network estimates a non-parametric distribution of the underlying data, which is practical when real data usually does not follow Gaussian distribution.
  • Scalability: The model framework can be easily scaled to incorporate various components (e.g. LSTM, CNN, Transformer modules).
  • Fast and Lightweight Training and Inference: The model's offline training is fast and does not require much computation resources: In our benchmarking, the training takes roughly 10-20 minutes on single CPU Macbook Pro (2019 version) for 200 pieces of univariate time series and each lasting for 1 year. The speed can be further improved with GPU acceleration if needed. (Check it out in our demo notebook.)


Data-driven companies widely use AI models to develop products and intelligent business solutions. Consequently, ensuring AI models’ health is essential for business success. At LinkedIn, we developed a deep-learning-based anomaly detection solution that helps AI teams across the company monitor their AI model's healthiness by detecting anomalies in a model’s input features and output score over time. The pipeline consists of four major steps: model statistics generation, anomaly detection, post-processing, and user alerting. Model monitoring and alerting poses several unique challenges, including a lack of clear model health metrics definition, label sparseness, and fast model iterations that result in short model and feature lifespans. As a product, there is also the requirement for scalability, generalizability, and explainability. To tackle these challenges, we propose a deep-learning-based MLOps model monitoring system named AlerTiger that achieves high issue detection performance and is generalizable forAI models with different historical patterns. Our work is among the earliest attempts to bring deep learning time-series anomaly detection to model healthiness monitoring in the MLOps domain. Our approach has been deployed to most of LinkedIn’s production AI models for over a year. It has achieved several success stories by notifying and triggering teams to improve their models when the system identifies concerning behavior.

Generic Model Architecture

User Guide

Dev environment set up

Note for Macbook with Apple Silicon (M1, M2): you may want to follow Apple's instruction to install the TensorFlow here at https://developer.apple.com/metal/tensorflow-plugin/ instead of pip install tensorflow

  1. Create your virtualenv (Python version >= 3.7)

    VENV_DIR=<your venv dir> # e.g. VENV_DIR="~/Desktop/alertiger_venv"
    python3 -m venv $VENV_DIR  # Make sure your python version >= 3.7
    source $VENV_DIR/bin/activate  # Enter the virtual environment
  2. Upgrade pip and setuptools version

    pip3 install -U pip
    pip3 install -U setuptools
  3. Download AlerTiger code from GitHub. We will later make AlerTiger available on PyPI, and right now can be installed via git clone.

    git clone git@github.com/linkedin/AlerTiger.git
  4. Install the dependency libraries

    pip3 install -r ./AlerTiger/requirements.txt
  5. Open Jupyter notebook for end-end demos.

    jupyter notebook ./AlerTiger/alertiger_demo.ipynb

Notebook Walkthrough with Examples.

You can run the notebook end-to-end, but here is a quick code walk through to help you understand the high-level code structure.

  1. Mock time series: we provide a mock time series creation utility function for creating mock time series of various shapelets ( square, triangle, sine, constant) with various anomaly types (level-shift, spike).

    from alertiger.src.utils import mock_univariate_time_series_with_anomaly, visualize_time_series_with_anomaly
    import datetime
    # mock time series
    training_univariate_timeseries: list = mock_univariate_time_series_with_anomaly(
        start_date=datetime.date(2022, 1, 1),
        end_date=datetime.date(2023, 1, 1))
    # visualize time series


    1. Model Training: we provide a model training function train_alertiger_model for training model

      import datetime
      from alertiger.src.trainer import train_alertiger_model
      from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
      # model training
      alertiger_keras_model, history_forecast, history_classification = train_alertiger_model(
          start_date=datetime.date(2022, 1, 1),
          end_date=datetime.date(2023, 1, 1))
      # visualize the training process
      AlerTiger Forecast Model Training AlerTiger Classification Model Training
      loss_forecasting.png loss_classification.png
  2. Model Scoring and Visualization: we provide a model inferencing function inference_alertiger_model, which takes the univariate time series and the trained alertiger model as the input for scoring and visualization.

    import datetime
    from alertiger.src.utils import mock_univariate_time_series_with_anomaly, visualize_time_series_with_anomaly
    from alertiger.src.inferencer import inference_alertiger_model
    # mock the test times eries
    testing_univariate_timeseries  = mock_univariate_time_series_with_anomaly(
        start_date=datetime.date(2023, 1, 1),
        end_date=datetime.date(2023, 4, 1))
    # model inference (anomaly detection)
    prediction_result_dataframes = inference_alertiger_model(
    # visualzie the forecasting and anoamly detection result.
    Regular timeseries with weekly seasonality Noisy timeseries
    detection_result_regular_example.png detection_result_noise_example.png

Execution Speed

The environment is a Macbook Pro 2019 Version (w/ 2.4 GHz 8-Core Intel Core i9 CPU).

Training Dataset Training Setting AlerTiger Model Details Training Time
200 pieces of time series, each of length 365. epoch = 50 default configuration:
(1466 parameters in forecast component;
389 parameters in classification component)
11 mins in total, with breakdowns:
- 2.5 mins feature engineering;
- 5 mins forecasting model;
- 3.5 mins classification model


TODO: We will add the link to our paper here once the paper is published.


Copyright (c) LinkedIn Corporation. All rights reserved. Licensed under the CC-BY-NC-4.0 License.