
Chrome extension that quizzes you periodically with mnemonic-based small Japanese words/flashcards. Inspired by Ken Cannon's Japanese Through Anime course

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Japanese Flashcards

This is a Chrome extension (for now) that aims at quizzing people with flashcards (Japanese for now). It started off as a self-educational tool to easily learn the words from Ken Cannon's Japanese Through Anime Course and you can display, edit, add your own flashcards, your own structure and it is meant to be highly customizable.

How it works

  • At anytime while browsing you can press N to get a new flashcard set. You can continue to press N to get the next hint and the next flashcard when all the hints are shown. Or alternatively, clicking on a flashcard has the same effect
  • You can press I to remove all flashcards
  • Click the icon in your browser to customize the options or request a new flashcard set.

Adding new flashcards

  • Go to the options page (click the extension icon OR via chrome://extensions)
  • Go to the "Add New Flashcards" section
  • Add your flashcards as JSON format. Most fields are optional and if you add new fields they will automatically be taken into account.
  • You can check the syntax for all flashcards in: the flashcards.json file
  • Sample flashcards JSON for 3 flashcards (Omae, Ore, Wakaru):
    "category": "JTA - Lesson 1",
    "English": "You",
    "Romaji": "Omae",
    "Hiragana": "おまえ",
    "Katakana": "オマエ",
    "story": "The ugliest, most hideous person you can think of.",
    "phrase": "“OH MY god, YOU are really ugly”"
    "category": "JTA - Lesson 1",
    "English": "I/Me",
    "Romaji": "Ore",
    "Hiragana": "おれ",
    "Katakana": "オレ",
    "story": "Poor Orphan boy asks British man for money, and then gets buried under mountain of money.",
    "phrase": "“OH REally?, I don’t have much…”"
    "category": "JTA - Lesson 1",
    "English": "To understand",
    "Romaji": "Wakaru",
    "Hiragana": "わかる",
    "Katakana": "ワカル",
    "story": "Playing a game called wack-a-roo, but every time you try to, they kick you in the face.",
    "phrase": "“I don’t UNDERSTAND how were supposed to WACK A ROO!”"