Watch videos from the anime platform on Kodi
- 0
addon repository
#82 opened by crpb - 3
confused on how to install
#81 opened by RealAmethyst - 2
Python error on Vero 4K Kodi 21
#80 opened by Maaaash32 - 2
Failed to play.
#77 opened by Hdet - 3
- 3
Error when search results are nothing
#68 opened by mirh - 13
login failed
#72 opened by Hdet - 3
- 0
FR: filter newest to only subbed
#74 opened by crpb - 4
Connection error
#73 opened by Juancafr - 7
- 8
Support for profiles.
#67 opened by RealAmethyst - 11
Multi-profiles support
#62 opened by rjousse18 - 17
Kodi 18.9 Leia Not working!
#53 opened by tester38 - 4
Version multiprofile don't work
#65 opened by gigoro33 - 5
Can't get 1080p on Kodi 21
#43 opened by 14Wail - 1
Mark as unwatched doesn't work
#57 opened by GajoOptimus - 16
Login failed
#60 opened by Chrno21 - 0
OMEGA 21.0
#64 opened by GajoOptimus - 8
Login failed
#61 opened by Varun23102002 - 3
- 3
"Playback failed - ONe or more items failed to play" - Error when starting a video
#56 opened by YuulGer - 22
Error while trying play videos
#52 opened by L-Dlbcq - 10
Language selection not possible in Kodi
#51 opened by Yavos - 10
- 2
How to configure Crunchyroll plugin as a player for content imported by TMDB Helper
#35 opened by Misioslav - 6
watched status not set when skipping outro
#50 opened by Yavos - 9
No specific view by page.
#29 opened by rjousse18 - 6
Crunchyroll Crashes when opened.
#49 opened by telemarker7 - 11
Continue watching after one episode?
#47 opened by Piasmus - 3
Some animes havent chapters
#42 opened by Gonzalo1987 - 3
Unable to go into any animes season list
#40 opened by NimbusFox - 1
No sound on anime playback
#41 opened by GajoOptimus - 4
- 7
no info for seasons
#28 opened by Acidzero2020 - 4
Web interface control
#38 opened by SF73 - 4
Possibility to see the crunchylist
#33 opened by rjousse18 - 2
Issue with playing videos
#36 opened by Misioslav - 3
- 2
Loading skip-data fails
#25 opened by corubba - 8
Repository ?
#6 opened by rjousse18 - 11
#16 opened by Acidzero2020 - 8
Missing "seasons" on some series
#14 opened by Le-R - 13
kodi 18 (leia) does not work
#12 opened by tester38 - 2
genres not working
#9 opened by Hdet - 6
#10 opened by GajoOptimus - 3
Problem with subtitles
#11 opened by iGusstavo - 10
History gives error
#8 opened by GajoOptimus - 2
Exception upon opening queue
#7 opened by L3ndude - 4
Episodes's incorrect duration
#3 opened by rjousse18