Pinned Repositories
Statistical analysis of Amazon 5 star reviews provided by both vine members and non-members alike intended to evaluate positivity bias in customer ratings.
Dashboard exercise built with bootstrap and JS using Plotly library.
Reference for investors' consideration when funding a bikesharing project. Weighing a number of critical data points from a similar project in NYC, including anticipated bicycle usage, anticipated rider profiles, usage hours and converted to Tableau story.
Supervised machine learning model to evaluate credit risk for a lending company.
Unsupervised machine learning using Scikit-learn, Plotly, and hvplot to find patterns in tradeable cryptocurrencies.
As a request from the state board, county election analysis is requested to be provided along with the candidate analysis. This will provide insight into participation by county by considering voter turnout by ballots cast. Futhermore, the county with the largest turnout is to be identified separately.
Import data into Excel and perform analysis including visualizations determining optimal investment points and times of the year.
Analysis of company personnel of tenured employees by anticipated retirement age; and the number of functional titles that will be vacated; information is across 6 different internal databases
A study of how natural factors such as solar irradiance, solar angle, cloud cover, rainfall, and more affect solar panel power generation.
smisina-amplify's Repositories
Statistical analysis of Amazon 5 star reviews provided by both vine members and non-members alike intended to evaluate positivity bias in customer ratings.
Dashboard exercise built with bootstrap and JS using Plotly library.
Reference for investors' consideration when funding a bikesharing project. Weighing a number of critical data points from a similar project in NYC, including anticipated bicycle usage, anticipated rider profiles, usage hours and converted to Tableau story.
Supervised machine learning model to evaluate credit risk for a lending company.
Unsupervised machine learning using Scikit-learn, Plotly, and hvplot to find patterns in tradeable cryptocurrencies.
As a request from the state board, county election analysis is requested to be provided along with the candidate analysis. This will provide insight into participation by county by considering voter turnout by ballots cast. Futhermore, the county with the largest turnout is to be identified separately.
Import data into Excel and perform analysis including visualizations determining optimal investment points and times of the year.
Analysis of company personnel of tenured employees by anticipated retirement age; and the number of functional titles that will be vacated; information is across 6 different internal databases
A study of how natural factors such as solar irradiance, solar angle, cloud cover, rainfall, and more affect solar panel power generation.
With GeoJSON data sourced through APIs, produce an interactive map displaying locations and severity of earthquakes along with tectonic plate boundaries.
Leverage linear regression and t-tests to provide analysis on MPG and suspension coil specs in R
scraping live data and pictures about Mars from multiple source pages into MongoDB then composing a web page.
Extracting data from Kaggle, Movielens, and Wiki in CSV and JSON formats; into pandas for transforming and loaded into PostgreSQL for relational database SCUD operations
Success rate for startup companies when Alphabet Soup invests in a startup.
ride share fare comparison by type of area served (urban v suburban v rural), calculating averages to consider for expansion of service
Analysis of grades at high schools in a school district where there is suspicion of cheating; also report overall performance of schools in the district and report comparisons
Analysis on 12 specific stock tickers with Excel and VBA; refactoring exercise to improve performance
Analysis of temperature and precipitation for planning a year-round business model for a surf shop and ice cream counter. Considering feasibility relating to operating and labor costs.
Build an interactive webpage to display UFO sightings in the US and Canada. Filter according to user preferences
Google Maps and OpenWeather APIs used with random geographical points generated; importing into Python and Javascript for transformation; using citypy to find closest towns; plotted on Map; planned round-trip driving route