
ES|QL Notebooks

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

ES|QL Visual Studio Code Extension

Use the Elasticsearch Query Language in VSCode notebooks and text files.

This extension is a fork of Kusto Notebooks. It is not supported or maintained by Elastic but is a proof-of-concept designed to explore live editing features similar to those of Kusto. The goal of this project is to learn more about ES|QL and learn about its possible uses outside of a web browser.


  • Run ES|QL Queries
  • Graphs & Data Viewer
  • Code Completion
  • Syntax highlighting
  • Code refactoring
  • Code formatting
  • Elasticsearch panel with access to Clusters, Indexes, etc
  • Run ES|QL queries in Plain text files, Notebooks or in an Interactive Window

Getting Started

  • Open a *.esql file and start typing to get code completion.
  • Open a *.esql file and click on the Run Query code lense
  • Open a *.esql file as a notebook
  • Create a file with extension *.esqlnb (or use the command Create ES|QL Notebook)
  • Use the command Configure Elasticsearch Connection to configure the Elasticsearch connection.

Works with Jupyter Notebooks as well (when using kqlmagic)

  • This extension augments Jupyter Notebooks with Kusto language features, when using the Jupyter extension.
  • The extension will automatically detect the cluster and database from cells containing the connection information kql AzureDataExplorer://code;cluster='help';database='Samples'.

Difference between Kusto Notebooks & Jupyter Notebooks (with kqlmagic)

  • Kusto Notebooks, there are no additional dependencies.
    • Authentication against Azure is handled by VS Code.
  • With Jupyter Notebooks, you'll need to install Python and the kqlmagic package.
    • You can use Python to further analyze the data.


* [ ] Relicense to Elastic License
* [ ] Replace Azure connection with Elasticsearch connection
* [ ] Rename all the kustos
* [ ] Replace the kusto language logic with https://github.com/smith/kibana/tree/afd020c63da1aff540b778e2e4303723ee15e00d/packages/kbn-monaco/src/esql
* [ ] Replace react table with EUI data grid
* [ ] Replace plotly with Elastic charts
* [ ]Implement render function https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/data-explorer/kusto/query/renderoperator?pivots=azuredataexplorer

Thanks to the contributors

Don Jayamanne, Joyce Er, SteVen Batten, Peng Lyu, Tanha Kabir
