GitHub workshop

hello new github user, this repository are notes from my workshop I hope and be helpful

Let´s start with some basic github commands


git int  "directory"
git clone "repo"
git config "name"
git add "directory"
git comit -m "message"
git status
git log
git dift

Calm I will explain what each command is for

git int

Create empty Git repo in specified directory. Run with no arguments to initialize the current directory as a git repository

git clone

Clone repo located at onto local machine. Original repo can be located on the local filesystem or on a remote machine via HTTP or SSH

git config

Define author name to be used for all commits in current repo. Devs commonly use --global flag to set config options for current user.

git add

Stage all changes in for the next commit. Replace with a to change a specific file.

git comit -m

Commit the staged snapshot, but instead of launching a text editor, use as the commit message.

git status

List which files are staged, unstaged, and untracked.

git log

Display the entire commit history using the default format. For customization see additional options

git dift

Show unstaged changes between your index and working directory