
A Binary Search Tree that utilizes abstract classes in Java. For my Data Structures class; this program I had to work in Java as opposed to C++. So, this was a great challenge to convert my current knowledge of BSTs and apply them in a new syntax. This program abstractly hold services in an array, similar to a notice board. This data is also written to file for later reading.

Primary LanguageJava


A Binary Search Tree that utilizes abstract classes in Java. For my Data Structures class; this program I had to work in Java as opposed to C++. So, this was a great challenge to convert my current knowledge of BSTs and apply them in a new syntax. This program abstractly hold services in an array, similar to a notice board. This data is also written to file for later reading.

Code Snippets

Service.java, the abstract base class.

import java.util.Scanner;

// abstract base class, all similar data has been pushed up to here
public abstract class Service
    // protected data so extended classes can modify if need be
    protected String title;
    protected String description;
    protected Scanner input;

    public Service()
        title = null;
        description = null;
        input = null;

    // copy constructor that is called by the copy constructors of extended classes
    public Service(Service toCopy)
        title = "";
        description = "";

        title = toCopy.title;
        description = toCopy.description;
        input = toCopy.input;

    // all functions are abstract and implemented in the extended classes
    abstract public int create();
    abstract public void display();
    abstract public int compare(String check);
    abstract public int compare(Service check);
    abstract public void remove();
    abstract public int getType();
    abstract public void fileWrite();
    abstract public void listFileWrite();



public class Node
    // private data that the setters and getters modifies
    private Node left;
    private Node right;
    public Service entry;

    // constructor when new is called
    public Node()
        entry = null;
        left = null;
        right = null;

    // return the left pointer of passed node
    public Node getLeft()
        return left;

    // returns the right pointer of passed node
    public Node getRight()
        return right;

    // sets the left pointer to the passed node
    public void setLeft(Node left)
        this.left = left;

    // sets the right pointer to the passed node
    public void setRight(Node right)
        this.right = right;