CSE7343 - Semester Project - Phase 2
On my honor, I have neither given nor
received any unauthorized aid on this work.
Eric Smith
April 19th, 2017
References: https://www.tutorialspoint.com/operating_system/os_process_scheduling.htm http://program-aaag.rhcloud.com/c-program-for-shortest-job-first-scheduling-sjf/ http://www.cwithabhas.com/2012/03/fcfc-first-come-first-serve-with.html http://program-aaag.rhcloud.com/c-program-for-non-preemptive-priority-scheduling-program-in-c/ https://www.codeproject.com/Articles/17583/Round-Robin-Scheduling0 https://stackoverflow.com http://www.cplusplus.com
This project is meant to showcase the Simulated OS as described in cse7343_Project_Sp2017.pdf and CSE7343_DemoInstructions.pdf
Instructions on how to compile, run, and use the program, please refer to cse7343-documentation.pdf
Class Breakdown:
ProcessControlBlock: - contains all information about a PCB - equivalent to Node of a linked list
CustomQueue: - made up of ProcessControlBlocks - used to implement Ready and Waiting queues - equivalent to a linked list of PCBs - can add, remove, and compare PCBs
ProcessManager: - contains modes for MemoryManager and Scheduler - can sort process vector based off mode - has a pointer to the Ready or Waiting queue - contains a vector of ProcessControlBlock pointers in the Ready queue for scheduling
MemoryManager: - inherits from ProcessManager - contains a table of available memory blocks and the proesses they contain - calculates memory usage based off mode from MemoryManager (FirstFit, BestFit, WorstFit)
Scheduler: - now inherits from ProcessManager - has 4 scheduling algorithms (SJF, FCFS, Priority, Round Robin) based off mode (Note: Scheduling algorithms do not change the order of the Ready queue but its vector)
Controller: - displays a basic UI for the user to navigate through - contains a ready and waiting queue for the user to edit - parses input from files and command line to edit queues - contains a ready and waiting vector to keep track of added/deleted processes - creates a Scheduler to run all four scheduling algorithms
Note to the grader:
Like Phase 1, Phase 2 of this program is very well organized. The Scheduler class from Phase 1 was abstracted into a superclass called "ProcessManager" which is also the parent to the MemoryManager.1
Just as much care was put into this phase of the project to ensure quality.
- Eric