Very simple opengl viewer for scientific debugging and visualizing. Simpler than libqglviewer.
Based on
Still in very early development. Main usage is - create a derivec class
class ThinglPointcloudViewer : public ThinglViewer {
void showPointcloud(const cv::Mat_<cv::Vec3b>& colorImage, const cv::Mat_<unsigned short>& depthImage,const cv::Mat& K);
In showPointcloud - put all the logic that manages your vertex arrays, buffers, etc.
There is createShaderPipeline for reading, compiling and linking the shaders.
programId = createShaderPipeline(shaderDir + "TransformVertexShader330.vertexshader",
shaderDir + "ColorFragmentShader330.fragmentshader", "" );
and captureInputsAndComputeMatrices which parses the input of the keyboard nad provides model and view matrices
glm::mat4 modelMatrix = glm::mat4(1.0);
MVP = projectionMatrix * viewMatrix * modelMatrix;
The input commands are
i: starts input in the window - you can move with the arrows and WASD keys, go up and down with 'space' and 'ctrl' and look around with the mouse (same as FPS game) o: resets your position in the start position esc: closes the window