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This is just a simple website to help organize a developer community. I created this when I started a developer group at my place of work. It is meant to be run on an internal network because security is pretty lax. It provides a place where people can submit ideas on what they want the community to do and then everyone can vote. There is also a place to submit stories that seem relevant to the community and the ability to add comments supported by Disqus.


Node must be installed

Dev Installation

Once you have project cloned open a command prompt at the DevCommunity directory. Then install all of the dependencies and grunt (for building) using npm.

npm install
npm install -g grunt-cli


To compile the typescript files into javascript just run

grunt build

or if this is for a production server you can build release to minify the client javascrit

grunt build_rel

All the files are output to the site directory where the other resources exist.


Now you are ready to run the server, the first thing you should do is set up the site configuration.

  1. First start the server
npm start
  1. Login to the site, the default admin account is "" and a blank verification code.
  2. Now that you are logged in click on the admin tab and set up the site configuration as you wish. Once the config is updated verification codes will be required to log in.

Running Tests

Unit tests are run on every commit using travis-ci and can be run manually by running

npm test