
Primary LanguageJavaScript

##Pains This is just a trivially simple website that allows you to keep track of things that are causing you pain as well as awesome stuff you're doing.

You can enter a short description of the pain into a text box and it keeps track of everything that was entered. If the same topic is entered more than once then it gets another vote and moves up the list. The votes will gradually decay after a period of time so things that are no longer painful eventually fall off the list. There is also the option to leave comments about a pain so you can vent your frustrations even more, or brainstorm ideas to fix the painful topic! The same applies to the likes.

To run you have to have node installed and make sure to run "npm install" first. The code is written in typescript, but the js files are checked in for convenience and the project is small enough that i don't mind. Just run "npm start" to start the server and edit config.json to make any customizations.