
Playground: https://stackblitz.com/edit/mf-select

Getting started

Step 1: Install @myfarms/mf-select

$ npm install @myfarms/mf-select --save

Step 2: Import the MfSelectModule

import { NgModule } from '@angular/core';

import { MfSelectModule } from '@myfarms/mf-select';

import { AppComponent } from './app.component';

  declarations: [
  imports: [
  bootstrap: [ AppComponent ]
export class AppModule { }

Step3: Use the component in your template




Input Type Default Description
items string[] | object[] [] Items array
itemLabel string 'name' Object property to use for label
categoryLabel string 'category' Grouping based on category, with category header rows
appendTo string null Append dropdown to body or any other element using css selector
dropdownPosition 'bottom' | 'top' | 'auto' 'auto' Set the dropdown position on open
dropdownWidth number - Static width of the dropdown in pixels
placeholder string 'Select...' Placeholder text
searchTemplateLeft TemplateRef<any> - Template for content left of search
searchTemplateRight TemplateRef<any> - Template for content right of search
selectedTemplate TemplateRef<any> - Template for content of selected item
optionTemplate TemplateRef<any> - Template for content of each item in the dropdown
optionCategoryTemplate TemplateRef<any> - Template for content of each category header in the dropdown


Output Description
(update) Fired on selected value change

Methods and Properties

Name Description
selectedItem The selected item
toggle() Opens/closes the select dropdown panel, whichever is appropriate
open() Opens the select dropdown panel
close() Closes the select dropdown panel
selectItem(item) Selects the passed item


Name Type Description
[mfOptionHighlight] directive Highlights search term in option. Accepts search term. Should be used on option element when customizing template

Change Detection

Ng-select component implements OnPush change detection which means the dirty checking checks for immutable data types. That means if you do object mutations like:

this.items.push({id: 1, name: 'New item'})

Component will not detect a change. Instead you need to do:

this.items = [...this.items, { id: 1, name: 'New item' }];

This will cause the component to detect the change and update. Some might have concerns that this is a pricey operation, however, it is much more performant than running ngDoCheck and constantly diffing the array.


To generate all *.js, *.d.ts and *.metadata.json files:

$ npm run build

To lint all *.ts files:

$ npm run lint


MIT © Adam Keenan