
Using PyTorch for modelling on different datasets.

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

PyTorch Applications

This repository contains the datasets I worked on while learning PyTorch. The notebooks have deep learning implementations using pytorch along with a discription of the techniques used. The notebooks in this repository are the following:

1. CIFAR10

This dataset contains 60,000 images from 10 classes split into 50,000 training images and 10,000 test images. The images are colored with 32x32 dimensions. The modelling involves training a convolutional neural network with cross-entropy loss and Adam optimizer. The results are as follows:

Training Set Test Set
Loss 0.2397 1.1309
Accuracy 93.75% 66.51%

2. Sonar

This dataset is used to discriminate between sonar signals bounced off a metal cylinder and those bounced off a roughly cylindrical rock. Each sonar pattern is a set of 60 numbers in the range 0.0 to 1.0. Each number represents the energy within a particular frequency band, integrated over a certain period of time.

For this binary classification problem, I first tried using Logistic Regression (Just a single Neuron with sigmoid activation). The results were as follows:

Logistic Regression Training Set Test Set
Loss 0.1627 0.1579
Accuracy 80.14% 82.26%

Then, I tried using a simple feed-forward neural network with 2 hidden layers (with 64 and 16 neurons respectively) to see if I get better results.

Neural Network Training Set Test Set
Loss 0.1896 0.4643
Accuracy 100.00% 82.26%

The model most probably overfit, as we can see 100% accuracy on training set and only 82% accuracy on test set.


PyTorch is a scientific computing package that is intended for two sets of audiences:

  • A repacement for numpy to use the power of GPUs. torch.tensor is equivalant to numpy.array
  • A deep learning research platform which is equivalant to tensorflow or theano

Common functions in torch

A quick look at some of the most commonly used torch functions:

  • torch.empty(3, 6): Creates an uninitialized matrix of dimensions 3x6. The initial values in this matrix would be whatever values are present at the allocated memory location.
  • torch.rand(3, 6): Creates a matrix of dimensions 3x6 and initializes it with random values.
  • torch.zeros(3, 6, dtype = torch.long): Creates a matrix of all zeros with data-type torch.long
  • torch.tensor(x): Will create a tensor from a list/array x
  • x.size(): Will give the dimensions of a tensor x
  • x.item(): Will give the value of a 1-element tensorx
  • x.numpy(): Converts a tensor x to numpy.array

Automatic differentiation

The autograd package in PyTorch provides automatic differentiation for all operations on tensors. This makes it easy to perform backpropogation on neural networks. For a tensor, if we set the .requires_grad attribute as True, it starts to track all operations on the tensor. If we want to get the derivatives, we can just call the .backward() function. The gradients are accumulated into .grad attribute.

To prevent tracking the history, we can wrap our code in with torch.no_grad(): block. This is useful when we want to evaluate our model so that the gradient history is not stored in model parameters.


Deep Learning with PyTorch: A 60 Minute Blitz