
This application will change your offline ledger khata and convert it into a digital ledger with many features. Replace your traditional credit ledger account with a new digital ledger cash book. It is 100% free, secure and secure for all types of businesses to maintain their customer accounts. Shop owners can also use this app to record credit and debit transactions for their trusted customers.

Primary LanguageJava


This application will change your offline ledger khata and convert it into a digital ledger with many features.
Replace your traditional credit ledger account with a new digital ledger cash book.
It is 100% free, secure and secure for all types of businesses to maintain their customer accounts.Shop owners can also use this app to record credit and debit transactions for their trusted customers.

Which technology is used …???

  • Java
  • Sqlite (Database)

Which Software is needed …???

  • Android Studio

How to Install the Software …???

How to Import the Folder …???

Open Android Studio > Go to File > Click on Open > Go to Project Source Folder > Click on Ok

How to run the Project …???

Open Android Studio > Go to Run > Click on Run 'app'
Open Android Studio > Press Shift + F10

  • Note:-
    i] Otp is display in Toast message.
    ii] Camera permision needed for Scan QR Code.

SnapShot of the pages…!!!

  • Path

Copyright & Powered By

Smit Shah

Thank You..!!! :)