
This repository groups together for the task of "Named Entity Recognition (NER)"

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Named Entity Recognition






name domain all train valid test remarks
Wikipediaを用いた日本語の固有表現抽出データセット - Stockmark Wikipedia blog
京都大学ウェブ文書リードコーパス web (various) IREX
UD Japanese GSD Wikipedia ENE
Contextual Clues for Named Entity Recognition in Japanese
森羅 Wikipedia



Annontation Tools

Active Learning

  • Li+'17 - Proactive Learning for Named Entity Recognition (BioNLP) [ACL Anthology]
  • Agrawal+'21 - Active learning approach using a modified least confidence sampling strategy for named entity recognition [ACM]
  • Shen+'17 - Deep Active Learning for Named Entity Recognition [arXiv]

Papers (entity-aware)



  • seq: Sequence Labeling
  • span: Span-based
  • mrc: Reading Comprehension


  • Li+'22 - Unified Named Entity Recognition as Word-Word Relation Classification (AAAI) [paper]
  • Agarwal+'22 - Towards Robust Named Entity Recognition via Temporal Domain Adaptation and Entity Context Understanding (AAAI) [paper]
  • Shang+'22 - OneRel: Joint Entity and Relation Extraction with One Module in One Step (AAAI) [paper]
  • Raiman+'22 - DeepType 2: Superhuman Entity Linking, All You Need Is Type Interactions (AAAI) [paper]
  • Liang+'22 - Exploring Entity Interactions for Few-Shot Relation Learning (AAAI) [paper]
  • Xin+'22 - Ensemble Semi-Supervised Entity Alignment via Cycle-Teaching (AAAI) [paper]
  • Li+'22 - Ultra-fine Entity Typing with Indirect Supervision from Natural Language Inference (TACL) [paper]
  • Cao+'22 - Multilingual Autoregressive Entity Linking (TACL) [paper]
  • Yeshpanov+'22 - KazNERD: Kazakh Named Entity Recognition Dataset (LREC)
  • Epure+'22 - Probing Pre-trained Auto-regressive Language Models for Named Entity Typing and Recognition (LREC)
  • Jiang+'22 - Annotating the Tweebank Corpus on Named Entity Recognition and Building NLP Models for Social Media Analysis (LREC)
  • Phan+'22 - A Named Entity Recognition Corpus for Vietnamese Biomedical Texts to Support Tuberculosis Treatment (LREC)
  • Green+'22 - Development of a Benchmark Corpus to Support Entity Recognition in Job Descriptions (LREC)
  • Aprosio+'22 - KIND: an Italian Multi-Domain Dataset for Named Entity Recognition (LREC)
  • Rückert+'22 - A Unified Approach to Entity-Centric Context Tracking in Social Conversations (LREC)
  • Jarrar+'22 - Wojood: Nested Arabic Named Entity Corpus and Recognition using BERT (LREC)
  • Strobl+'22 - Enhanced Entity Annotations for Multilingual Corpora (LREC)
  • Orasmaa+'22 - Named Entity Recognition in Estonian 19th Century Parish Court Records (LREC)
  • Severini+'22 - Towards a Broad Coverage Named Entity Resource: A Data-Efficient Approach for Many Diverse Languages (LREC)
  • Garcia-Duran+'22 - Efficient Entity Candidate Generation for Low-Resource Languages (LREC)
  • Bonet+'22 - Spanish Datasets for Sensitive Entity Detection in the Legal Domain (LREC)
  • Pathak+'22 - AsNER - Annotated Dataset and Baselines for Assamese Named Entity recognition (LREC)
  • Hatab+'22 - Enhancing Deep Learning with Embedded Features for Arabic Named Entity Recognition (LREC)
  • Skórzewski+'22 - Named Entity Recognition to Detect Criminal Texts on the Web (LREC)
  • Ivanova+'22 - Comparing Annotated Datasets for Named Entity Recognition in English Literature (LREC)
  • Loukachevitch+'22 - Entity Linking over Nested Named Entities for Russian (LREC)
  • Murthy+'22 - HiNER: A large Hindi Named Entity Recognition Dataset (LREC)
  • Cui+'22 - OpenEL: An Annotated Corpus for Entity Linking and Discourse in Open Domain Dialogue (LREC)
  • Sun+'22 - SPORTSINTERVIEW: A Large-Scale Sports Interview Benchmark for Entity-centric Dialogues (LREC)
  • Alekseev+'22 - Medical Crossing: a Cross-lingual Evaluation of Clinical Entity Linking (LREC)
  • Mullick+'22 - Using Sentence-level Classification Helps Entity Extraction from Material Science Literature (LREC)
  • Çarık +'22 - A Twitter Corpus for Named Entity Recognition in Turkish (LREC)
  • Okur+'22 - Exploring Paraphrase Generation and Entity Extraction for Multimodal Dialogue System (LREC)
  • Wu+'22 - Robust Self-Augmentation for Named Entity Recognition with Meta Reweighting (NAACL) [arXiv]
  • Fetahu+'22 - Dynamic Gazetteer Integration in Multilingual Models for Cross-Lingual and Cross-Domain Named Entity Recognition (NAACL) [AmazonScience]
  • Wang+'22 - Sentence-Level Resampling for Named Entity Recognition (NAACL) [openreview]
  • Hu+'22 - Hero-Gang Neural Model For Named Entity Recognition (NAACL) [arXiv]
  • Pasad+'22 - On the Use of External Data for Spoken Named Entity Recognition (NAACL) [arXiv]
  • Ying+'22 - Label Refinement via Contrastive Learning for Distantly-Supervised Named Entity Recognition (NAACL)
  • Gu+'22 - Delving Deep into Regularity: A Simple but Effective Method for Chinese Named Entity Recognition (NAACL) [arXiv]
  • Shao+'22 - Low-resource Entity Set Expansion: A Comprehensive Study on User-generated Text (NAACL) [acsweb]
  • Tedeschi+'22 - MultiNER: A Multilingual, Multi-Genre and Fine-Grained Dataset for Named Entity Recognition (NAACL)
  • Shrimal+'22 - NER-MQMRC: Formulating Named Entity Recognition as Multi Question Machine Reading Comprehension (NAACL) [arXiv]
  • Agarwal+'22 - Entity Linking via Explicit Mention-Mention Coreference Modeling (NAACL) [openreview]
  • Wang+'22 - Should We Rely on Entity Mentions for Relation Extraction? Debiasing Relation Extraction with Counterfactual Analysis (NAACL) [arXiv]
  • Hakami+'22 - Learning to Borrow– Relation Representation for Without-Mention Entity-Pairs for Knowledge Graph Completion (NAACL) [arXiv]
  • Xu+'22 - Modeling Explicit Task Interactions in Document-Level Joint Entity and Relation Extraction (NAACL) [arXiv]
  • Yuan+'22 - Generative Biomedical Entity Linking via Knowledge Base-Guided Pre-training and Synonyms-Aware Fine-tuning (NAACL) [arXiv]
  • Chai+'22 - Incorporating Centering Theory into Entity Coreference Resolution (NAACL)
  • Yu+'22 - Relation-Specific Attentions over Entity Mentions for Enhanced Document-Level Relation Extraction [arXiv]
  • Bhargav+'22 - Zero-shot Entity Linking with Less Data (NAACL) [arXiv]
  • Liu+'22 - Dangling-Aware Entity Alignment with Mixed High-Order Proximities (NAACL) [arXiv]
  • Ayoola+'22 - ReFinED: An Efficient Zero-shot-capable Approach to End-to-End Entity Linking (NAACL) [AmazonScience]
  • Laskar+'22 - BLINK with Elasticsearch for Efficient Entity Linking in Business Conversations (NAACL) [arXiv]
  • Nishikawa+'22 - EASE: Entity-Aware Contrastive Learning of Sentence Embedding (NAACL) [arXiv]
  • Ayoola+'22 - Improving Entity Disambiguation by Reasoning over a Knowledge Base (NAACL) [AmazonScience]
  • Yan+'22 - On the Robustness of Reading Comprehension Models to Entity Renaming (NAACL) [arXiv]
  • Yamada+'22 - Global Entity Disambiguation with BERT [arXiv]
  • Onoe+'22 - Entity Cloze By Date: Understanding what LMs know about unseen entities (NAACL) [arXiv]
  • Deeksha+'22 - Commonsense and Named Entity Aware Knowledge Grounded Dialogue Generation (NAACL) [arXiv]
  • Schuster+'22 - When a sentence does not introduce a discourse entity, Transformer-based models still often refer to it (NAACL) [arXiv]
  • Zhang+'22 - Improving the Faithfulness of Abstractive Summarization via Entity Coverage Control (NAACL)
  • Wang+'22 - ITA: Image-Text Alignments for Multi-Modal Named Entity Recognition (NAACL) [arXiv]
  • Chen+'22 - Good Visual Guidance Make A Better Extractor: Hierarchical Visual Prefix for Multimodal Entity and Relation Extraction (NAACL) [paperswithcode]
  • Wang+'22 - MINER: Improving Out-of-Vocabulary Named Entity Recognition from an Information Theoretic Perspective (ACL) [paper]
  • Ma+'22 - Decomposed Meta-Learning for Few-Shot Named Entity Recognition (ACL) [paper]
  • Li+'22 - An Unsupervised Multiple-Task and Multiple-Teacher Model for Cross-lingual Named Entity Recognition (ACL) [paper]
  • Yang+'22 - Bottom-Up Constituency Parsing and Nested Named Entity Recognition with Pointer Networks (ACL) [paper]
  • Zhu+'22 - Boundary Smoothing for Named Entity Recognition (ACL) [paper]
  • Snigdha+'22 - CONTaiNER: Few-Shot Named Entity Recognition via Contrastive Learning (ACL) [paper]
  • Zhou+'22 - Distantly Supervised Named Entity Recognition via Confidence-Based Multi-Class Positive and Unlabeled Learning (ACL) [paper]
  • Wang+'22 - Few-Shot Class-Incremental Learning for Named Entity Recognition (ACL) [paper]
  • Chen+'22 - Few-shot Named Entity Recognition with Self-describing Networks (ACL) [paper]
  • Lou+'22 - Nested Named Entity Recognition as Latent Lexicalized Constituency Parsing (ACL) [paper]
  • Wan+'22 - Nested Named Entity Recognition with Span-level Graphs (ACL) [paper]
  • Shen+'22 - Parallel Instance Query Network for Named Entity Recognition (ACL) [paper]
  • Zheng+'22 - Cross-domain Named Entity Recognition via Graph Matching (ACL) [paper]
  • Huang+'22 - Extract-Select: A Span Selection Framework for Nested Named Entity Recognition with Generative Adversarial Training (ACL) [paper]
  • Yuan+'22 - Fusing Heterogeneous Factors with Triaffine Mechanism for Nested Named Entity Recognition (ACL) [paper]
  • Ma+'22 - Label Semantics for Few Shot Named Entity Recognition (ACL) [paper]
  • Xia+'22 - Learn and Review: Enhancing Continual Named Entity Recognition via Reviewing Synthetic Samples (ACL) [paper]
  • Buaphet+'22 - Thai Nested Named Entity Recognition Corpus (ACL) [paper]
  • Reich+'22 - Leveraging Expert Guided Adversarial Augmentation For Improving Generalization in Named Entity Recognition (ACL) [paper]
  • Loukas+'22 - FiNER: Financial Numeric Entity Recognition for XBRL Tagging (ACL) [paper]
  • Zhou+'22 - MELM: Data Augmentation with Masked Entity Language Modeling for Low-Resource NER (ACL) [paper]
  • Ri+'22 - mLUKE: The Power of Entity Representations in Multilingual Pretrained Language Models (ACL) [paper]
  • Leszczynski+'22 - TABi: Type-Aware Bi-Encoders for Open-Domain Entity Retrieval (ACL) [paper]
  • Galperin+'22 - Cross-Lingual UMLS Named Entity Linking using UMLS Dictionary Fine-Tuning (ACL) [paper]
  • Han+'22 - Cross-Lingual Contrastive Learning for Fine-Grained Entity Typing for Low-Resource Languages (ACL) [paper]
  • Pang+'22 - Divide and Denoise: Learning from Noisy Labels in Fine-Grained Entity Typing with Cluster-Wise Loss Correction (ACL) [paper]
  • Chen+'22 - Learning from Sibling Mentions with Scalable Graph Inference in Fine-Grained Entity Typing (ACL) [paper]
  • Wang+'22 - WikiDiverse: A Multimodal Entity Linking Dataset with Diversified Contextual Topics and Entity Types (ACL) [paper]
  • Zaporojets+'22 - Towards Consistent Document-level Entity Linking: Joint Models for Entity Linking and Coreference Resolution (ACL) [paper]
  • Sun+'22 - A Transformational Biencoder with In-Domain Negative Sampling for Zero-Shot Entity Linking (ACL) [paper]
  • Mrini+'22 - Detection, Disambiguation, Re-ranking: Autoregressive Entity Linking as a Multi-Task Problem (ACL) [paper]
  • Jin+'22 - How Can Cross-lingual Knowledge Contribute Better to Fine-Grained Entity Typing? (ACL) [paper]
  • Lai+'22 - Improving Candidate Retrieval with Entity Profile Generation for Wikidata Entity Linking (ACL) [paper]



