
🗺️ A legend for your keymaps, commands, and autocmds, with which-key.nvim integration

Primary LanguageLuaMIT LicenseMIT


Features | Prerequisites | Installation | Quickstart | Configuration


Define your keymaps, commands, and autocommands as simple Lua tables, building a legend at the same time (like VS Code's Command Palette).

demo gif
Theme used in recording is onedarkpro.nvim. The finder UI is handled by telescope.nvim via dressing.nvim. See Prerequisites for details.

Documentation Table of Contents (click to expand)


  • Define your keymaps, commands, augroup/autocmds, and even arbitrary Lua functions to run on the fly, as simple Lua tables, then bind them with legendary.nvim
  • Integration with which-key.nvim, use your existing which-key.nvim tables with legendary.nvim
  • Execute normal, insert, and visual mode keymaps, commands, autocommands, and Lua functions when you select them
  • Show your most recently executed items at the top when triggered via legendary.nvim (can be disabled via config)
  • Uses vim.ui.select() so it can be hooked up to a fuzzy finder using something like dressing.nvim for a VS Code command palette like interface
  • Buffer-local keymaps, commands, functions and autocmds only appear in the finder for the current buffer
  • Help execute commands that take arguments by prefilling the command line instead of executing immediately
  • Search built-in keymaps and commands along with your user-defined keymaps and commands (may be disabled in config). Notice some missing? Comment on this discussion or submit a PR!
  • A legendary.toolbox module to help create lazily-evaluated keymaps and commands, and item filter. Have an idea for a new helper? Comment on this discussion or submit a PR!
  • Sort by frecency, a combined measure of how frequently and how recently you've used an item from the picker
  • A parser to convert Vimscript keymap commands (e.g. vnoremap <silent> <leader>f :SomeCommand<CR>) to legendary.nvim keymap tables (see Converting Keymaps From Vimscript)
  • Anonymous mappings; show mappings/commands in the finder without having legendary.nvim handle creating them
  • Extensions to automatically load keymaps and commands from other plugins
    • The internal extension API is considered unstable, as it will likely need to evolve as we add extensions for additional plugins with different setups. This mostly affects plugin developers, not users.



This project uses git tags to adhere to Semantic Versioning. To check the latest version, see the git tag list.

With packer.nvim:

-- to use a version
  tag = 'v2.1.0',
  -- sqlite is only needed if you want to use frecency sorting
  -- requires = 'kkharji/sqlite.lua'
-- or, to get rolling updates
  -- sqlite is only needed if you want to use frecency sorting
  -- requires = 'kkharji/sqlite.lua'

With vim-plug:

" if you want to use frecency sorting, sqlite is also needed
Plug "kkharji/sqlite.lua"

" to use a version
Plug "mrjones2014/legendary.nvim", { 'tag': 'v2.1.0' }
" or, to get rolling updates
Plug "mrjones2014/legendary.nvim"


Register keymaps through setup:

  keymaps = {
    -- map keys to a command
    { '<leader>ff', ':Telescope find_files', description = 'Find files' },
    -- map keys to a function
        print('hello world!')
      description = 'Say hello',
    -- keymaps have opts.silent = true by default, but you can override it
    { '<leader>s', ':SomeCommand<CR>', description = 'Non-silent keymap', opts = { silent = false } },
    -- create keymaps with different implementations per-mode
      { n = ':LinewiseCommentToggle<CR>', x = ":'<,'>BlockwiseCommentToggle<CR>" },
      description = 'Toggle comment',
    -- create item groups to create sub-menus in the finder
    -- note that only keymaps, commands, and functions
    -- can be added to item groups
      -- groups with same itemgroup will be merged
      itemgroup = 'short ID',
      description = 'A submenu of items...',
      icon = '',
      keymaps = {
        -- more keymaps here
  commands = {
    -- easily create user commands
        print('hello world!')
      description = 'Say hello as a command',
      -- groups with same itemgroup will be merged
      itemgroup = 'short ID',
      -- don't need to copy the other group data because
      -- it will be merged with the one from the keymaps table
      commands = {
        -- more commands here
  funcs = {
    -- Make arbitrary Lua functions that can be executed via the item finder
      description = 'Do some stuff with a Lua function!',
      -- groups with same itemgroup will be merged
      itemgroup = 'short ID',
      -- don't need to copy the other group data because
      -- it will be merged with the one from the keymaps table
      funcs = {
        -- more funcs here
  autocmds = {
    -- Create autocmds and augroups
    { 'BufWritePre', vim.lsp.buf.format, description = 'Format on save' },
      name = 'MyAugroup',
      clear = true,
      -- autocmds here
  -- load extensions
  extensions = {
    -- load keymaps and commands from nvim-tree.lua
    nvim_tree = true,
    -- load commands from smart-splits.nvim
    smart_splits = true,
    -- load commands from op.nvim
    op_nvim = true,
    -- load keymaps from diffview.nvim
    diffview = true,

For more mapping features and more complicated setups see Table Structures.

To trigger the finder for your configured keymaps, commands, augroup/autocmds, and Lua functions:


" search keymaps, commands, and autocmds

" search keymaps
:Legendary keymaps

" search commands
:Legendary commands

" search functions
:Legendary functions

" search autocmds
:Legendary autocmds

Lua API:

The require('legend').find() function takes an opts table with the following fields (all optional):

  -- pass a list of filter functions or a single filter function with
  -- the signature `function(item, context): boolean`
  -- (see below for `context` definition)
  -- several filter functions are provided for convenience
  -- see ./doc/FILTERS.md for a list
  filters = {},
  -- pass a function with the signature `function(item, mode): string[]`
  -- returning a list of strings where each string is one column
  -- use this to override the configured formatter for just one call
  formatter = nil,
  -- pass a string, or a function that returns a string
  -- to customize the select prompt for the current call
  select_prompt = nil,

The context table passed to filters contains the following properties:

  buf = number, -- buffer ID
  buftype = string,
  filetype = string,
  mode = string, -- the mode that the UI was triggered from
  cursor_pos = table, -- { row, col }
  marks = table, -- visual mode marks, if applicable; { line, col, line, col }

See USAGE_EXAMPLES.md for some advanced usage examples.


Default configuration is shown below. For a detailed explanation of the structure for keymap, command, and augroup/autocmd tables, see doc/table_structures/README.md.

  -- Initial keymaps to bind
  keymaps = {},
  -- Initial commands to bind
  commands = {},
  -- Initial augroups/autocmds to bind
  autocmds = {},
  -- Initial functions to bind
  funcs = {},
  -- Initial item groups to bind,
  -- note that item groups can also
  -- be under keymaps, commands, autocmds, or funcs
  itemgroups = {},
  -- default opts to merge with the `opts` table
  -- of each individual item
  default_opts = {
    keymaps = {},
    commands = {},
    autocmds = {},
  -- Customize the prompt that appears on your vim.ui.select() handler
  -- Can be a string or a function that returns a string.
  select_prompt = ' legendary.nvim ',
  -- Character to use to separate columns in the UI
  col_separator_char = '',
  -- Optionally pass a custom formatter function. This function
  -- receives the item as a parameter and the mode that legendary
  -- was triggered from (e.g. `function(item, mode): string[]`)
  -- and must return a table of non-nil string values for display.
  -- It must return the same number of values for each item to work correctly.
  -- The values will be used as column values when formatted.
  -- See function `default_format(item)` in
  -- `lua/legendary/ui/format.lua` to see default implementation.
  default_item_formatter = nil,
  -- Customize icons used by the default item formatter
  icons = {
    -- keymap items list the modes in which the keymap applies
    -- by default, you can show an icon instead by setting this to
    -- a non-nil icon
    keymap = nil,
    command = '',
    fn = '󰡱',
    itemgroup = '',
  -- Include builtins by default, set to false to disable
  include_builtin = true,
  -- Include the commands that legendary.nvim creates itself
  -- in the legend by default, set to false to disable
  include_legendary_cmds = true,
  -- Options for list sorting. Note that fuzzy-finders will still
  -- do their own sorting. For telescope.nvim, you can set it to use
  -- `require('telescope.sorters').fuzzy_with_index_bias({})` when
  -- triggered via `legendary.nvim`. Example config for `dressing.nvim`:
  -- require('dressing').setup({
  --  select = {
  --    get_config = function(opts)
  --      if opts.kind == 'legendary.nvim' then
  --        return {
  --          telescope = {
  --            sorter = require('telescope.sorters').fuzzy_with_index_bias({})
  --          }
  --        }
  --      else
  --        return {}
  --      end
  --    end
  --  }
  -- })
  sort = {
    -- sort most recently used item to the top
    most_recent_first = true,
    -- sort user-defined items before built-in items
    user_items_first = true,
    -- sort the specified item type before other item types,
    -- value must be one of: 'keymap', 'command', 'autocmd', 'group', nil
    item_type_bias = nil,
    -- settings for frecency sorting.
    -- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Frecency
    -- Set `frecency = false` to disable.
    -- this feature requires sqlite.lua (https://github.com/tami5/sqlite.lua)
    -- and will be automatically disabled if sqlite is not available.
    frecency = {
      -- the directory to store the database in
      db_root = string.format('%s/legendary/', vim.fn.stdpath('data')),
      -- the maximum number of timestamps for a single item
      -- to store in the database
      max_timestamps = 10,
  which_key = {
    -- Automatically add which-key tables to legendary
    -- see ./doc/WHICH_KEY.md for more details
    auto_register = false,
    -- you can put which-key.nvim tables here,
    -- or alternatively have them auto-register,
    -- see ./doc/WHICH_KEY.md
    mappings = {},
    opts = {},
    -- controls whether legendary.nvim actually binds they keymaps,
    -- or if you want to let which-key.nvim handle the bindings.
    -- if not passed, true by default
    do_binding = true,
  -- Which extensions to load; no extensions are loaded by default.
  -- Setting the plugin name to `false` disables loading the extension.
  -- Setting it to any other value will attempt to load the extension,
  -- and pass the value as an argument to the extension, which should
  -- be a single function. Extensions are modules under `legendary.extensions.*`
  -- which return a single function, which is responsible for loading and
  -- initializing the extension.
  extensions = {
    nvim_tree = false,
    smart_splits = false,
    op_nvim = false,
    diffview = false,
  scratchpad = {
    -- How to open the scratchpad buffer,
    -- 'current' for current window, 'float'
    -- for floating window
    view = 'float',
    -- How to show the results of evaluated Lua code.
    -- 'print' for `print(result)`, 'float' for a floating window.
    results_view = 'float',
    -- Border style for floating windows related to the scratchpad
    float_border = 'rounded',
    -- Whether to restore scratchpad contents from a cache file
    keep_contents = true,
  -- Directory used for caches
  cache_path = string.format('%s/legendary/', vim.fn.stdpath('cache')),
  -- Log level, one of 'trace', 'debug', 'info', 'warn', 'error', 'fatal'
  log_level = 'info',

Additional documentation can be found under doc/.