This is implementation of PageFactory framework with Appium for Android device.
Current framework provide basic implementation of PageFactory frame and demonstrated on native android application.
- Android SDK
- Appium
- Maven (For managing dependencies)
- Eclipse
- Selenium Standalone (
Install from git
Before installation run selenium hub using
- java -jar selenium-server-standalone-2.XX.0.jar -role hub)
Run two server instance of appium servers, each pointing to separate android devices
Launch appium from comman line (run from source), node . -p 6001 -p 5001 -U <Device 1> -nodeconfig /nodeconfig_device1.json node . -p 6002 -p 5002 -U <Device 2> -nodeconfig /nodeconfig_device2.json
Launch appium from comman line, appium -p 6001 -p 5001 -U <Device 1> -nodeconfig /nodeconfig_device1.json appium -p 6002 -p 5002 -U <Device 2> -nodeconfig /nodeconfig_device2.json
Run "mvn clean test" from project directory
- apk Name: ApiDemos-debug.apk
- apk Location: /src/test/resources
- Type of Application: Native
- Gesture Simulated: Swipe/Scroll