
A Streamlit App for annotating randomized Tweets.

  • Deployed on Streamlit Community Cloud (allows for one free private App)
  • Assigned randomized groups of Tweets to users.

App Structure

Cover Page -> Demographics -> Instruction -> Annotation -> End Cover

gcsManager.py: Manage Google Cloud Storage Connection

LoginVerification.py: Login fuction on the Cover Page

SurveyData.py: Handle data randomization

Demographics.py: Handle Demographic Page (record new user's demographic + register the user)

SurveyForm.py: Handle data annotation

SurveyText.py: All text component

SurveyState.py: Initialize session_state


  1. Set up your Google Cloud Storage Bucket for your datasets and directory needed.
│   all-tweet.csv # Upload your data
│   users_all.csv # Register users
|   group_annotation_progress.csv # track annotated groups
└───User_Annotation # User's annotation for each Tweet
│   │   User{user1}_annotation.csv
│   │   User{user2}_annotation.csv
│   │   ...
└───User_Progress # User's progress (ID of annotated/remaining Tweets, Exceptions)
    │   User{user1}_progress.csv
    │   User{user2}_progress.csv
    │   ... 
  • all-tweet.csv: View Example
  • users_all.csv: [user_id, randomized_tweet_group_start_id, age, education, politic_ideology]
  • User{user1}_annotation.csv: [username, tweetURL, Q1, Q2, Q3, Q4]
  • User{user1}_progress.csv: [username, group_id, completed_tweet, , emergency_round] -group_annotation_progress.csv: View Example
  1. Clone the repository, upload the codes to your Github.
  2. Go to Stremlit Cloud and create a New App.
  3. Select your repository and deploy.
  4. Copy your Google Cloud Storage Credentials (JSON) as follows, and paste in the App's Settings > Secrets.
key="""{"type": "service_account”, … ,"universe_domain": "googleapis.com"}"""
  1. Modify the following as needed:
  • Filepath to your datasets
  • Number of Tweets to annotate per user (Default: 2*10Tweets)
  • Annotation Questions


  1. To develop locally, you might need to set up related certificates.
  2. If you are developing & deploying real-timely on Streamlit Community Cloud and encountered some strange bugs, try Reboot the App (this will cause reinitialization of session_state).

Feel free to contact Gloria via Slack / bguoac@uw.edu if you encountered any issues. :>
