Using git

Notes from here.

This workflow is good also.

Info and config

Git is a distributed version control system:

  • Everyone has their own local version of the remote repository


  • Set name and username


git config —help

Tracking local projects

git init

Files we don't want tracked create a .gitignore file touch .gitignore

Add files you want git to ignore. Can use wildcards. E.g.



  • working directory (untracked, modified files, listed in git status)
  • taging area (organise what we want to be committed, pick and choose)
  • git directory

Add untracked files to staging area: git add -A Add individually: git add file

Remove from staging area: git reset file
Remove everything from staging area: git reset

Commit: git commit -m "message" If you check status now can see have a clean Check commits: git log

Now we are successfully tracking a local project

Track existing remote project

E.g. company has remote repository you want to develop on

Clone files from a remote to current directory: git clone <url> .

List repo information: git remote -v
List all branches in repo (remote and local): git branch -a

Pushing changes

Show changes you've made: git diff
Add everything to staging directory Commit the changes with message
Now changes have been committed locally

If any changes were made to the repository since we cloned it, we can pull in any other changes: git pull origin master

Can now push: git push origin master



Git master branch isn't how you should be using day-to-day.

Create branch for desired feature, and then work on that branch: git branch <name>
To see all the branches and show the active one: git branch

To work on a particular branch need to checkout: git checkout <name>

Then run git branch to see current one.

Can make changes, and add and commit to local branch, but it won't have changed the master.

To push git push -u origin <name>
The -u tells git we want to associate the branch with our local place, so in future can do simply git push and git pull.

Can now run git branch -a again to see all of our branches, to see local branches, and also remote repo branches.

merge with the master

Switch to the master
Pull down master in case changes were made
Check which branches have been merged so far
Merge changes into the master
Push changes to remote master

git checkout master
git pull origin master
git branch --merged
git merge <name>
git push origin master

Now it's done we can delete the branch. Check to see if changes have been merged in the master, the new one should show up.
Delete it locally Check if branch still in remote Delete it from repo

git branch --merged
git branch -d <name>
git branch -a
git push origin --delete <name>

workflow summary

To work on new function

  • branch
  • checkout
  • make changes
  • check status
  • add to staging
  • commit changes
  • push to branch to remote repo
  • checkout to master
  • pull in changes from master
  • merge with master
  • push changes to master
  • delete branch