
(obsoleted) an implementation of label propagation in apache giraph

Primary LanguageJava


(Switch to develop branch)


  • org.apache.giraph.classifier.lp.GFHF (Gaussian Fields and Harmonic Function by [X Zhu 2003])
  • org.apache.giraph.classifier.MulticlassClassifierVertexInputFormat
  • org.apache.giraph.classifier.MulticlassClassifierArgmaxVertexOutputFormat
  • org.apache.giraph.classifier.MulticlassClassifierWritable

and others. (not completed yet).

The label propagation algorithm is one of the most basic semi-supervised model. This is an implementation of the algorithm (GFHF, [Zhu and Ghahramani, 2002]) in Apache Giraph.


$ hadoop jar /tmp/giraph-0.70-jar-with-dependencies.jar org.apache.giraph.GiraphRunner \
  -DGFHF.maxSuperstep=30 -libjars /tmp/labelpropagation-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar \
  org.apache.giraph.classifier.lp.GFHF \
  -if org.apache.giraph.classifier.MulticlassClassifierVertexInputFormat \
  -of org.apache.giraph.classifier.MulticlassClassifierArgmaxVertexOutputFormat \
  -w 1 -ip /user/smly/input3 -op /user/smly/output/gfhf01

$ hadoop fs -cat /user/smly/input3/sample.txt
1       [0.0, 0.0]      2       1.0     3       1.0
2       [1.0, 0.0]      1       1.0     3       1.0
3       [0.0, 0.0]      1       1.0     2       1.0     4       1.0
4       [0.0, 0.0]      3       1.0     5       1.0     8       1.0
5       [0.0, 0.0]      4       1.0     6       1.0     7       1.0
6       [0.0, 1.0]      5       1.0     7       1.0
7       [0.0, 0.0]      5       1.0     6       1.0
8       [0.0, 0.0]      4       1.0     9       1.0
9       [0.0, 1.0]      8       1.0

$ hadoop fs -cat /user/smly/output/gfhf01/part-m-00001
1       { label: U, argmax: 0, fval: [ 0.8941062029668139, 0.10587472354685788 ] }
2       { label: L, argmax: 0, fval: [ 1.0, 0.0 ] }
3       { label: U, argmax: 0, fval: [ 0.9529144735895161, 0.047055008832358816 ] }
4       { label: U, argmax: 1, fval: [ 0.47056534711052384, 0.5293965059168197 ] }
5       { label: U, argmax: 0, fval: [ 0.7529144735899415, 0.24705500883193343 ] }
6       { label: L, argmax: 1, fval: [ 0.0, 1.0 ] }
7       { label: U, argmax: 0, fval: [ 0.6941062029672393, 0.30587472354643247 ] }
8       { label: U, argmax: 0, fval: [ 0.9411497677073759, 0.05881971471449907 ] }
9       { label: L, argmax: 1, fval: [ 0.0, 1.0 ] }

