Distributed systems Reliability, Causation and Group Delivery

The finality of this project is to achieve the objectives of practice number one in subject Net and Distributed System at Zaragoza University.

The project structure is:

reports     -->   This folder contains project specification and requirements.
  src         -->   This folder contains all code about the project.
        chandylamport       -->   
        communication       -->   
        config  functions   -->  
        logs                -->   
        main.go             -->   
        multicast           -->   
        test                -->   
        vclock              -->   
  .gitignore  -->   File indicate files or folder to ignore
  readme.md   -->   Describe all require information you let to know about the project

The objectives of the project are learn and understand:

  • How events hold communication in distributed systems.
  • Ventages and disadvantages that protocols like tcp and udp in distributed application.
  • Synchronization and recovery protocols in distributed systems.
  • When to use ventages of multicast communication.


This project requires:

go (>= 1.13)

Other library used:

Source code

You can check the latest sources with the command:

git clone https://github.com/smmanrrique/sd_paxos.git

It's very important set correct path to run project or clone repository in folder "/home/userName/go/src/"

Copiar ssh a remote

ssh-copy-id -i ~/.ssh/id_rsa smmanrrique@localhost

Execute main using one o this mode [TCP,UDP, CHANDY]

For execute main go program yo must use follow flag:

  • name --> Insert name like machine# (# is a number 1-3)
  • mode --> Mode to execute [tcp, udp, chandy] | default tcp
  • log --> With true Send output to log file otherwise print on terminal | default false

You need to open one terminal by every machine and execute go script in this order.


~/go/src/sd_paxos/src && go run main.go -name "machine3" -mode "chandy" -log true


~/go/src/sd_paxos/src && go run main.go -name "machine2" -mode "chandy" -log true


~/go/src/sd_paxos/src && go run main.go -name "machine1" -mode "chandy" -log true

Execute Test

For execute test you need to write right values in follow variables in config/go.ini:

  environment = development | production
  log = false | true
  mode = udp | tcp | chandy

~/go/src/sd_paxos/src/test && go test -v -run TestCommunication