
A Java application that crawls a specified seed web page, builds an inverted index, and starts a search engine for a website that provides services including: weighed partial search capability, authentication of users, and a history of each user's prior searches.

Primary LanguageJava

Author:       Steely Morneau
Project:      SearchEngine
Last updated: December 2011


A Java application that crawls a specified seed web page (and unique resulting 
    pages), builds an inverted index, and starts a search engine for a website 
    that provides services including: weighed partial search capability, 
    authentication of users, and a history of each user's prior searches.

This is a customizable multi-threaded search engine application that uses
- an inverted index to store the keywords
- Jetty as a web server and servlet handler
- servlets to create a dynamic webpage to process requests
- sockets for HTTP requests
- cookies to login users
- JDBC and SQL to store info such as username, password, search history, page 
- HTML and CSS for the UI


Search Engine Usage

- Login

	Visit /login to login as a specific user that has already been registered.
	If a user is already logged in, it will redirect to the Search page. Users
	can logout by visiting the link in the top right corner. Logging out will
	clear all cookies set by the server.

- Register 

	Visit /register to register a new user. Cannot register with a username 
	that has already been taken. If a logged in user tries to visit the 
	register page, it will redirect to the Account page.

- Search

	Visit /search to search for a query in the inverted index. There is a
	checkbox for the user to turn off partial search before the user hits the
	search button. There is also a message to the user letting him/her know
	whether private search is on or off, and a link to change this setting on
	the account page. If the user is not logged in, it will redirect to the
	Login page. A link to this page is provided to logged in users in the top 
	right corner.
	Search results are output as links with the domain name and a page
	snippets of decoded HTML.

- Admin

	An admin user must be set manually in the database after said user has
	registered as a normal user. Visit /admin to access administrator settings
	like entering a new seed to crawl or shutting down the server. It will 
	check if the user entered a seed and if that seed is a valid url before 
	crawling. If the user is not logged in it will redirect to the Login page, 
	and if a logged in user is not an administrator, it will redirect to the 
	Search page. A link to this page is provided to logged in admin users in 
	the top right corner.
- Account

	Visit /account to change account settings. Here the user can change his/her
	current password by entering the correct current password and a new password
	that is different from the current password. This page also allows the user
	to clear the search query history and/or the visited links history. It will
	also tell the user whether private search (where queries and visited links
	are not saved) is on or off, and allows the user to change this mode. If 
	the user is not logged in, it will redirect to the Login page. A link to 
	this page is provided to logged in users in the top right corner.

- History

	Visit /history to view the search query history. Search queries can be
	cleared by visiting the account page, and private search will stop the
	server from saving query history. If the user is not logged in, it will 
	redirect to the Login page. A link to this page is provided to logged in 
	users in the top right corner.

- Visited

	Visit /visited to view the visited links. Every time a user visits a search
	result, the will be redirected to /redirect which will save the url in the
	database and redirect the user to the requested link. Visited links can be
	cleared by visiting the account page, and private search will stop the
	server from saving visited links. If the user is not logged in, it will 
	redirect to the Login page. A link to this page is provided to logged in 
	users in the top right corner. If a logged in user tries to visit 
	/redirect, it will redirect to the Visited page, and if a user that is not
	logged in, it will redirect to the Login page.

Additional Features

- Page Snippet:  The search results display a snippet (2-3 lines) of the 
                 resulting page. For performance reasons, these snippets 
                 are stored in a mySQL database when the page is crawled.
- Visited Pages: In addition to tracking a user's search history, also stores 
                 which result pages have been visited by that user. 
- Administrator Interface @ /admin
	- New Crawl: Allows the administrator to enter a new seed URL to crawl. 
	             The results are added to the inverted index.
	- Server Shutdown: Allows the admin to gracefully shutdown the web server.
- Advanced Search Options
	- Partial Search Toggle: Allows the user to toggle on/off partial search.
- Search Brand
	- A grey/blue color scheme with Arial font
	  	See: http://cs.usfca.edu/~smmorneau/cs212/homework05/style.css
	- User info and links to pages are in top right corner
- Time Stamps on Search History

- Private Search: Allows users to set an option that turns off the search 
                  history feature.

- Search Statistics: Displays the total number of results along with the time 
                     it took to calculate and fetch those results.

Database Setup

  user VARCHAR(20) NOT NULL,
  password CHAR(32) NOT NULL,
  admin INT(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0'

CREATE TABLE history (

CREATE TABLE visited (

CREATE TABLE snippets (
  url VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL,
  snippet TEXT NOT NULL

[After registering a user, to make them admin]
UPDATE users SET admin=1 WHERE user='<username>';

Database Configuration

[See database.properties file]	

Included Libraries and Files

- log4j
- jetty
- junit
- org.apache.commons.lang
- jdbc

- database.properties
- log4j.properties