ArticleWA is a full-stack web application that allows read, write, edit and delete articles. It is implement Django and djangorestframework, use JWT Token (SimpleJWT) for registration and authorization. That project is an attempt to partially copy site, but many finctions was simplified and improved.
- Python 3.9
- Django 3.2.5
- djangorestframework 3.12.4
- PostgreSQL 13.3
- Vue.js 2.6.11
- axios 0.21.1
- Bootstrap 5.0.1
The project requires an installed Python 3.9
- Clone git repository
git clone
- Create empty djngo application and copy SECRET_KEY from
- Fill all fields in /backend/.env (you sholud create new PostgreSQL database)
- Initialize virtual environment (good practice) and leave it without it
- Install all requirements that project needed (you should be in backend folder)
If you have been installed Python2 use pip3
pip install -r requirements.txt
- Apply migrations
Use python3 on Linux and MacOS
python migrate
- Install fixtures
python loaddata initial.json
- Install Vue.js dependencies (you should be in frontend)
npm install
- Go to frontend folder, create ".env.local" file, insert next line and save it (or replace to your host and port)
- Open 2 terminals and run client and server
You should be in backend directory for executing first command
You should be in frontend directory for executing second command
python runserver
npm start
- Go to http://localhost:8080/